# Observations 01/12/2019
# firmware specpol: band1: ok (upper panel missaligned by 25), band2: ok (upper panel missaligned by 25)
# receiver loading: ok
# start 01.12.2019, 16:10 - end
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
3343 3C48 # Pointing Col*=-11.8 NulE=-3.0
3344 3C48 # focus z=-2.9
3345 3C48 # Pointing Col*=-10.1 NulE=2.5
3346 1923+210 # Pointing Col*=-4.5 NulE=0.1
3347 GLO_LAT_50.60_0.00 # OTF, abort, wrong OFF
3348 1923+210 # Pointing Col*=-8.5 NulE=-1.9
3349 GLO_LAT_50.60_0.00 # OTF
3350 GLO_LAT_50.80_0.00 # OTF
3351 2013+37 # Pointing Col*=-3.8 NulE=-5.9
3352 GLO_LON_76.50_-0.55 # OTF
3353 GLO_LON_76.50_1.85 # OTF
3354 NGC7027 # L-pointing, failed
3355 NGC7027 # L-pointing, failed
3356 NGC7027 # Pointing, Col*=-4.8 NulE=-6.0
3357 NGC7027 # L-poinging, not automatically due to the parameters set to 0
3358 W3OH # Pointing, Col*=-6.5 NulE=-7.6
3359 W3OH # CalSpec, shape Ok
3360 3C138 # CalMap
# Observations 02/12/2019
# firmware specpol: band1: ok (upper panel missaligned by 25), band2: ok (upper panel missaligned by 12)
# receiver loading: ok
# start 02.12.2019, 16:00 - end
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
3375 NGC7027 # Pointing col*=-6.7 NulE=5.0
3376 NGC7027 # focus z=-2.0
3377 NGC7027 # Pointing col*=-7.2 NulE=7.7
3378 NGC7027 # L-pointing
3379 1923+210 # Pointing col*=-2.9 NulE=10.5
3380 GLO_LAT_51.00_0.00 # OTF
3381 GLO_LAT_51.20_0.00 # OTF
3382 GLO_LAT_51.40_0.00 # OTF
3383 2013+37 # Pointing col*=-5.2 NulE=-2.7
########### Low power at 7 GHz (do not use it) #########################################################
3384 GLO_LAT_76.90_0.50 # OTF (low power at 7 GHz)
3385 W3OH # Pointing col*=-12.4 NulE=5.5 (low power at 7 GHz)
3386 W3OH # Onoff shape OK (low power at 7 GHz)
3387 W3OH # check power (low power at 7 GHz)
3388 3C138 # Pointing (power issues at 7GHz)
3389 3C138 # CalMap (for 5GHz) (low power at 7 GHz)
3390 NGC7027 # Pointing (low power at 7 GHz)
3391 NGC7027 # L-pointing (low power at 7 GHz)
# Observations 11/12/2019
# firmware specpol: band1: ok (upper panel missaligned by 0), band2: ok (upper panel missaligned by 25)
# receiver loading: ok
# start 11.12.2019, 16:00 - end
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6400-6600 MHz
3849 1923+210 # Pointing col*=-3.1 NulE=9.6
3850 1923+210 # focus z=-3.3
3851 1923+210 # Pointing col*=-6.1 NulE=9.2
3852 GLO_LAT_51.60_0.00 # OTF
3853 GLO_LAT_49.00_-1.05 # OTF
3854 GLO_LAT_51.80_0.00 # OTF
3855 NGC7027 # pointing col*= -7.0 NulE=-1.2
3856 NGC7027 # focus z =-2.9
3857 NGC7027 # pointing
3858 NGC7027 # L-pointing
3859 GLO_LAT_76.60_0.50 # OTF
3860 GLO_LAT_76.70_0.50 # OTF
3861 GLO_LAT_76.70_0.50 # OTF
3862 W3OH # Pointing
3863 W3OH # Onoff
3864 3C138 # Pointing
# Observations 12/12/2019
# firmware specpol: band1: ok (upper panel missaligned by 25), band2: ok (upper panel missaligned by 12)
# receiver loading: ok
# start 12.12.2019, 16:00 - end
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6400-6600 MHz
3955 NGC7027 # Pointing col*=-4.5 NulE=-0.6
3956 NGC7027 # focus z=-3.4
3957 NGC7027 # Pointing col*=-3.6 NulE=1.6
3958 NGC7027 # L-pointing
3959 1923+210 # pointing col*=-3.5 NulE=8.2
3960 GLO_LAT_52.00_0.00 # OTF
3961 2013+37 # Pointing
3962 GLO_LAT_76.90_0.50 # OTF, stopped (windy)
# Observations 17/12/2019; Rugel/Yang
# firmware specpol: band1: ok (upper band shifted by 25), band2: ok (upper band shifted by 25)
# receiver loading:
# check on scan : specpol chan dispersion correction:
# start 17.12.2019, 17:45; end 17.12.2019, 21:10
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
4645 NGC7027 Pointing # Col*=-6.2 NulE=16.9 el=68
4646 NGC7027 Focus # zlin=-3.4
4647 NGC7027 Pointing # Col*=-5.6 NulE=16.5 el=68
4648 NGC7027 L-Pointing # Col*=-7.0 NulE=16.3 el=68
4649 NGC7027 L-Pointing # Col*=-6.9 NulE=16.4 el=68 # repeated, previous scans could have interference
4650 1923+210 Pointing # Col*=-11.5 NulE=5.2 el=37
4651 GLO_LON_51.00_0.70 OTF # Col*=-11.5 NulE=5.2 el=24
4652 2013+37 Pointing # Col*=-9.5 NulE=-2.0 el=43
4653 GLO_LAT_76.90_0.50 OTF # Col*=-9.5 NulE=-2.0 el=41
4654 GLO_SNR_LAT_76.9_1.0 OTF # Col*=-9.5 NulE=-2.0 el=38 ;0.2dx0.2d map around SNR at l,b=76.9,0.95 (ref 78.0,4.0)
4655 GLO_SNR_LON_76.9_1.0 OTF # Col*=-9.5 NulE=-2.0 el=35 ;0.2dx0.2d map around SNR at l,b=76.9,0.95 (ref 78.0,4.0)
4656 W3OH Pointing # Col*=-9.5 NulE=-2.0 el=77
4657 W3OH OTF # Col*=-4.9 NulE=0.3 el=78
4658 3C138 Pointing # Col*=-5.9 NulE=5.3 el=40
4659 3C138 Pointing # Col*=-6.9 NulE=6.2 el=40 ; baseline bad, rain.
# Observations 18/12/2019; Yang/Rugel
# firmware specpol: band1: ok (upper band shifted by 25), band2: ok
# receiver loading:
# check on scan 4696: specpol chan dispersion correction: ok
# start 18.12.2019, 15:00; end 18.12.2019, 21:45
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
4694 3C48 Pointing # Col*=-7.8 NulE=20.7 el=34
4695 3C48 Focus # zlin = -2.4mm
4696 3C48 Pointing # Col*=-8.6 NulE=20.0 el=34
4697 W3OH Pointing # Col*=-14.0 NulE=15.6 el=45
4698 W3OH ONOFF # ok
4699 GLO_SNR_LAT_TYCHO OTF # l,b = 120.1, 1.4; 0.2x0.2deg
4700 GLO_SNR_LON_TYCHO OTF # l,b = 120.1, 1.4; 0.2x0.2deg
4701 2013+37 Pointing # Col*=-14.0 NulE=15.6 el=69
4702 GLO_LAT_80.40_0.50 OTF # Col*=-4.4 NulE=10.0 el=73; aborted at the subscan 12
# due to this is no data at S45mm, online plotter disapear.
4706-4709 2013+37 Pointing #Col*=-6.7 NulE=6.7 el=53;
#test for the telescope/troubleshooting;
#reload firmware - specpol chandispersion ok
4710 2013+37 Pointing #Col*=-7.0 NulE=6.3 el=70
4711 GLO_LAT_82.30_0.50 OTF #Col*=-7.0 NulE=6.3 el=54
4712 GLO_LAT_82.30_0.50 OTF #Col*=-7.0 NulE=6.3 el=54; aborted
4713 GLO_LAT_80.40_0.50 OTF #Col*=-7.0 NulE=6.3 el=43;
4714 NGC7027 Pointing #Col*=-5.2 NulE=0.4 el=48;
4715 NGC7027 Focus #zlin = -2.8mm
4716 NGC7027 Pointing #Col*=-6.5 NulE=1.1 el=46;
4717 NGC7027 Pointing #Col*=-6.8 NulE=1.4 el=46;
4718 GLO_LAT_82.40_0.50 OTF #Col*=-6.8 NulE=1.4 el=36;
4719 GLO_LAT_81.30_0.50 OTF #Col*=-6.8 NulE=1.4 el=31;
# Observations 19/12/2019; Yang/Rugel
# firmware specpol: band1: ok (upper band shifted by 25), band2: ok (upper band shifted by 25)
# receiver loading: ok
# check on scan 4771: specpol chan dispersion correction: ok
# start 19.12.2019, 16:00; end 19.12.2019, 21:45
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
4771 3C48 Pointing # Col*=-6.2" NulE=10.9" el=41
4772 3C48 Focus # zlin=-2.5mm
4773 3C48 Pointing # Col*=-5.9" NulE=9.2" el=41
4774 3C48 L-Pointing # Col*=-6.6" NulE=9.7" el=41
4775 W3OH Pointing # Col*= NulE= el=
4776 W3OH ONOFF # ok
4778 2013+37 Pointing # Col*=-4.7 NulE=11.1 el=68
4779 GLO_LAT_78.90_0.50 OTF # Col*=-4.7 NulE=11.1 el=64
4780 GLO_LON_78.50_0.85 OTF # Col*=-4.7 NulE=11.1 el=56
4781 NGC7027 Pointing # Col*=-10.3" NulE=5.1" el=64
4782 NGC7027 Focus # zlin= -3.5mm
4783 NGC7027 Pointing # Col*=-12.2" NulE=6.6" el=63
4784 NGC7027 L-Pointing # Col*=-12.0" NulE=7.2” el = 63
4785 GLO_LAT_81.80_0.50 OTF # Col*=-12.0 NulE=7.2 el=50
4786 GLO_LAT_81.50_0.50 OTF # Col*=-12.0 NulE=7.2 el=48
4787 NGC7027 Pointing # Col*=-11.6" NulE=-2.6" el=37
4788 GLO_LAT_81.50_1.45 OTF # Col*=-11.6" NulE=-2.6" el=35
4789 GLO_LAT_77.50_0.50 OTF # Col*=-11.6" NulE=-2.6" el=29
4790 3C138 Pointing # Col*=-9.3 NulE=-0.2 el=44
4791 3C138 Pointing # Col*=-10.9 NulE=0.4 el=45
# Observations 23/12/2019; Rugel
# firmware specpol: band1: ok (upper band shifted by 25), band2: ok (upper band shifted by 25)
# receiver loading: ok
# check on scan 4843: specpol chan dispersion correction: ok
# start 23.12.2019, 15:10; end 23.12.2019, 21:00
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
4843 3C48 Pointing # Col*=-7.2" NulE=10.3" el=36
4844 3C48 Focus # zlin=-2.8mm
4845 3C48 L-Pointing # Col*=-10.1" NulE=9.4" el=36
4846 W3OH Pointing # Col*=19.3 NulE=1.2 el=46
4847 W3OH ONOFF # ok
4848 2013+37 Pointing # Col*=0.0 NulE=0.4 el=72
4849 GLO_LON_81.50_1.35 OTF # el=
4851 GLO_LON_81.50_0.15 OTF # el=
4852 2013+37 Pointing # Col*=-2.6 NulE=4.3 el=58
4853 GLO_LON_81.50_-0.05 OTF # el=66-57
4854 GLO_LON_81.50_-0.15 OTF # el=59-50
4855 NGC7027 Pointing # Col*=-3.3" NulE=-1.3" el=53
4856 NGC7027 Focus # zlin=-2.7mm
4857 NGC7027 Pointing # Col*=-6.1" NulE=0.6" el=53
4858 NGC7027 L-Pointing # Col*=-8.0" NulE=0.7” el=53 #rain, repeat
4859 NGC7027 Pointing # Col*=-3.7" NulE=0.4" el=51
4860 NGC7027 L-Pointing # Col*=-7.1" NulE=0.6” el=51
4861 GLO_LAT_79.00_0.50 OTF # aborted; other map more important
4862 GLO_LAT_78.10_0.50 OTF # el=35-42
4863 GLO_LON_81.50_-0.25 OTF # el=32-40