In [ ]:
# Observations 15/06/2020
# firmware specpol: load from the SPECPOL section in OBSINP
# receiver loading: ok 
# check on scan 5259: specpol chan dispersion correction: ok; power 7 GHz: seemed fine; checked also W3OH on 7.5.2020 - ok
# start 15.6.2020, 1:30; end 15.6.2020, 8:00
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
8611	3C286			Pointing	# Col*=-1.7" NulE=2.0"
8612	3C286			Focus		# zlin=-2.1mm
8613	3C286			Pointing	# Col*=-1.2"  NulE=-2.8"
8614	3C286			Calmap		# OTF (used scanvelocity 90",scanspacing 30")
8615    NRAO530                 Pointing	# Col*=-9.3"  NulE=-5.8"
8616    GLO_LAT_1.85_0.00       OTF     	# 
8617	1741-038	        Pointing     	# Col*=-10.1"  NulE=-3.1"
8618	GLO_LAT_27.80_0.00      OTF     	# 
8619	GLO_LAT_27.60_0.00      OTF		# 
8620    GLO_LAT_27.40_0.00      OTF		# 
8621    NGC7027                 Pointing        # Col*=-0.7"  NulE=0.6"
8622    NGC7027                 Pointing        # Col*=-2.5"  NulE=2.6"
8623    1923+210                Pointing        # Col*=-0.5"  NulE=-0.2"
8624    GLO_LON_51.00_-0.10     OTF             #
8625    GLO_LON_51.00_-0.30     OTF             #
In [ ]:
# Observations 16/06/2020; Rugel
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5)
# receiver loading: ok 
# check on scan 8668: specpol chan dispersion correction: ok; power 7 GHz: seemed fine; checked also W3OH on 8674 - ok
# start 15.5.2020, 22:00; end 16.5.2020, 7:27
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
# light rain possible from scan 8686 on. No problem seen in the pointings.
8668	3C286			Pointing	# Col*=-3.0" NulE=11.1" el=68
8669	3C286			Focus		# zlin=-2.4mm
8670	3C286			Pointing	# Col*=-1.9"  NulE=10.0" el=68
8671	3C286			L-Pointing	# Col*=-2.8"  NulE=10.3" el=67
8672	3C286			Calmap		# el=67
8673	W3OH			Pointing	# Col*=-2.2"  NulE=-3.7" el=22.5
8674	W3OH			ONOFF		# el=22.5
8675	1923+210		Pointing	# Col*=-2.3"  NulE=-2.5" el=30
8676	GLO_LON_51.00_-0.50	OTF		# el=26
8677	NRAO530                 Pointing	# Col*=-8.9"  NulE=-10.0" el=24
8678	GLO_LAT_1.75_0.00       OTF		# el=10
8679	GLO_LAT_-0.35_0.00	OTF		# el=10
8680	GLO_LAT_-1.85_0.00      OTF		# el=10
8681	3C286			Pointing	# Col*=4.3" NulE=-7.7" el=34
8682	1741-038		Pointing	# Col*=-7.4" NulE=-6.3" el=34
8683	GLO_LAT_27.20_0.00	OTF		# el=32
8684	GLO_LAT_27.00_0.00	OTF	  	# el=30	 
8685	1741-038		Pointing	# Col*=-5.1" NulE=-8.5" el=25
8686	GLO_LAT_26.80_0.00	OTF	  	# el=23
8687	NGC7027			Pointing	# Col*=-1.4" NulE=1.0" el=77
8688	NGC7027			Focus		# zlin=-1.7mm
8689	NGC7027			Pointing	# Col*=-1.6"  NulE=2.5" el=77
8690	NGC7027			L-Pointing	# Col*=-2.7"  NulE=5.2" el=77
8691	1923+210		Pointing	# Col*=-2.0"  NulE=0.8" el=45
8692	GLO_LON_51.00_-0.70	OTF		# el=40
In [ ]:
# Observations 16/06/2020; Rugel
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5)
# receiver loading: ok 
# check on scan 8701: specpol chan dispersion correction: ok; power 7 GHz: seemed fine; checked also W3OH on 8714  - ok
# start 17.5.2020, 00:03; end 17.5.2020, 07:15
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
8701	3C286			Pointing	# Col*=0.4"  NulE=4.7"   el=51
8702	3C286			Focus		# zlin=-3.1mm # (corr. applied twice (2x-0.7mm), but -1.4mm still within peak of focus curve so no significant difference in intensity expected - data is fine)
8704	3C286			Pointing	# Col*=0.2"  NulE=3.6"   el=51
8705	NRAO530                 Pointing	# Col*=-8.9" NulE=-10.0" el=24
8706	GLO_LAT_1.65_0.00       OTF		# el=10
8707	GLO_LAT_-1.75_0.00      OTF		# el=10
8708	GLO_LAT_-0.45_0.00	OTF		# el=10
8709	1749+096		Pointing	# Col*=-7.3"  NulE=-5.4" el=48
8710	OFF_46.0_4.0		ONOFF		# (ref: 46.0 8.0; 2min ON)
8711	3C286			Pointing	# Col*=7.1" NulE=-10.9" el=28
8712	3C286			Calmap		# 
8713	W3OH			Pointing	# Col*=-5.0"  NulE=-9.3" el=35
8714	W3OH			ONOFF		# el=35
8715	1749+096		Pointing	# Col*=-5.6"  NulE=-4.6" el=45
8716	OFF_2_46.0_4.0		ONOFF		# (ref: 46.0 10.0; 2min ON; CLEAR)
8717	1741-038		Pointing	# Col*=-7.8" NulE=-4.8" el=30
8718	GLO_LAT_26.60_0.00	OTF		# el=30
8719	GLO_LAT_26.40_0.00	OTF	  	# el=24
8720	NGC7027			Pointing	# Col*=-2.8" NulE=-3.5" el=77
8721	NGC7027			Focus		# zlin=-1.4mm
8722	NGC7027			Pointing	# Col*=-1.5" NulE=-2.7" el=77
8723	NGC7027			L-Pointing	# Col*=-3.9" NulE=0.8" el=77
8724	1923+210		Pointing	# Col*=-1.7"  NulE=-1.7" el=45
8725	GLO_LAT_47.80_0.00	OTF		# el=30
In [ ]:
# Observations 28/06/2020;
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5)
# receiver loading: ok 
# check on scan 8701: specpol chan dispersion correction: ok; power 7 GHz: seemed fine;
# start 28.06.2020, 21:00; end 29.06.2020, 07:00
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
9454	3C286		pointing	# Col*=-4.1 NulE=6.0
9455	3C286		focus		# z = -1.7mm
9456	3C286		pointing	# Col*=-2.8 NulE=7.7 
9457	3C286		L-pointing	# Col*=-3.6 NulE=7.9
9458    3C286		Calmap		#  
9459	1923+210        pointing        # Col*=-3.6 NulE=7.9
9460    GLO_LAT_47.60_0.00  OTF         #
9461    1741-038        pointinb        # Col*=-8.0 NulE=-6.1
9462    GLO_LAT_26.20_0.00  OTF         # 
9463	NRAO530         pointing        # Col*=-14.9 NulE=-16.4
9464    GLO_LAT_-1.65_0.00  OTF         # 
9465    GLO_LAT_-0.45_0.00  OTF         #
9466    NGC7027         pointing        # Col*=0.7 NulE=-6.1
9467    NGC7027         focus           # z=-2.0 mm
9468    NGC7027         pointing        # Col*=-0.1 NulE=-4,7
9469    1741-038        pointing        # Col*=-4.7 NulE=-4.9
9470    GLO_LAT_26.00_0.00  OTF         #
9471    GLO_LON_27.00_-1.00 OTF         #
9472    1923+210        pointing        # Col*=-7.2 NulE=-9.9
9473    GLO_LAT_47.40_0.00  OTF         #
9474    GLO_LAT_47.20_0.00  OTF         #
9475    GLO_LAT_47.00_0.00  OTF         # stopped due to rain(Regen) strom (Sturm)
9476    W3OH            pointing        # Col*=-4.0 NulE=0.2
9477    W3OH            onoff           # shape ok