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# C band test observations for GLOSTAR (new observing strategy)
# mode: cband_spec_plus_zooms_plus_polarimeter_2phases
# Freq: 6 GHz
# Project id: 22-15
# Class : environment: /opt/gag/*txt
############## muller Matrix ##################################################################################
# /homes/peter/Toolbox2/ plot='/xs' febe=S45mm-SPECPOL project="22-15" useband=2 fmask=6.8-7.9 
# /homes/peter/Toolbox2/ plot='/xs' febe=S45mm-SPECPOL project="22-15" useband=1 fmask=4.4-4.9
####################NOD3 new features##########################################################################
# transform/combine : mosaic individual tiles.
# faver=median
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###### observation logs ####################
# Scan.No.     source                 notes#
########### 2019-Jan-14#####################
# 2672         NGC7027              pointing
# 2673         NGC7027              focus
# 2674         NGC7027              pointing
# 2675         NGC7027              pointing
# 2676         GLO_LAT_81.60_0.50   OTF, 6'x180', (90"/sec), 30" spacing, off: 60s, LAT
# 2717         3C286                pointing
# 2718         3C286                focus
# 2719         3C286                pointing   (p~10%, pa~33deg, confirmed)
# 2720         3C286                L-pointing
# 2721         3C286                OTF map, scanning along the latitude (DEC)
# 2722         3C286                OTF map, scanning along the longitude (R.A.)
# 2723         W3OH                 pointing
# 2724         3C196                OTF (stop, wrong off, too far away)
# 2725         2013+37              pointing stopped
# 2726         2013+37              pointing
# 2727         GLO_LAT_81.50_0.50   OTF, 6'x180', (90"/sec), 30" spacing, off: 60s, LAT
# 2728         GLO_LAT_81.70_0.50   OTF, 6'x180', (90"/sec), 30" spacing, off: 60s, LAT
########### 2019-Jan-15#####################
# 2758         NGC7027              pointing
# 2759         NGC7027              focus
# 2760         NGC7027              pointing
# 2761         GLO_LAT_81.40_0.50   OTF, 6'x180', (90"/sec), 30" spacing, off: 60s, LAT
# 2762         GLO_LAT_81.30_0.50   OTF, 6'x180', (90"/sec), 30" spacing, off: 60s, LAT
# 2763         3C138                L-pointing
# 2792         3C286                pointing
# 2793         3C286                focus
# 2794         3C286                L-pointing
# 2795         2013+37              pointing
# 2796         GLO_LAT_81.80_0.50   OTF, 6'x180', (90"/sec), 30" spacing, off: 60s, LAT (55 min)
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########### 2019-Jan-19#####################
# 2914         3C48                 pointing
# 2915         3C48                 focus
# 2916         3C48                 pointing
# 2917         1749+096             pointing
# 2918         GLO_LAT_35.6_0.00    OTF, 12'x180', (90"/sec), 30" spacing, off: 60s, LAT
# 2919         NGC7027              L-pointing
# 2920         GLO_LAT_81.90_0.5    OTF, 6'x180', (90"/sec), 30" spacing, off: 60s, LAT
# 2921         GLO_LAT_82.00_0.0    OTF, 6'x180', (90"/sec), 30" spacing, off: 60s, LAT
# 2922         GLO_LAT_82.10_0.0    OTF, 6'x180', (90"/sec), 30" spacing, off: 60s, LAT
# 2923         NGC7027              pointing
# 2924         NGC7027              focus
# 2925         NGC7027              pointing
# 2926         GLO_LAT_82.20_0.5    OTF, 6'x180', (90"/sec), 30" spacing, off: 60s, LAT
# 2927         3C138                pointing
########### 2019-Jan-20#####################
# 3056         3C48                 pointing
# 3057         3C48                 focus
# 3058         3C48                 pointing
# 3059         1749+096             pointing
# 3060         GLO_LAT_34.40_0.00   OTF, 12'x180', (90"/sec), 30" spacing, off: 60s, LAT !! Errors
# 3061         GLO_LAT_34.40_0.00   Errors
# 3062         GLO_LAT_34.40_0.00   Errors !! restart specpol
# 3063         1749+096             pointing !! errors
# 3064         1749+096             pointing !! online plotter erros
# 3065         1749+096             pointing !! good setup
# 3066         GLO_LAT_34.40_0.00   OTF, 12'x180', (90"/sec), 30" spacing, off: 60s, LAT
# 3067         OFF34.0_4.0          position switch, OFF position check
# 3068         2013+037             POINTING
# 3069         GLO_LAT_81.20_0.5    OTF, 6'x180', (90"/sec), 30" spacing, off: 60s, LAT
# 3070         GLO_LAT_81.10_0.5    OTF, 6'x180', (90"/sec), 30" spacing, off: 60s, LAT
# 3071         GLO_LAT_81.00_0.5    OTF, 6'x180', (90"/sec), 30" spacing, off: 60s, LAT
# 3072         NGC7027              POINTING
# 3073         GLO_LAT_79.90_0.5    OTF, 6'x180', (90"/sec), 30" spacing, off: 60s, LAT
# 3074         OFF82.0_3.0          position switch, OFF position check
# 3075         OFF81.0_3.0          position switch, OFF position check
# 3076         OFF80.0_3.0          position switch, OFF position check
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########### 2019-Jan-26#####################
# 3765         3C286                pointing
# 3774         3C286                pointing
# 3775         3C286                OTF, 90"/s, 10'x10', 30" spacing, check sampling
# 3776         1741-038             pointing
# 3777         GLO_LAT_34.60_0.00   OTF, 12'x180', (90"/sec), 30" spacing, off: 60s, LAT
# 3778         GLO_LAT_34.80_0.00   OTF, 12'x180', (90"/sec), 30" spacing, off: 60s, LAT
# 3779         1741-038             pointing
# 3780         GLO_LAT_35.00_0.00   OTF, 12'x180', (90"/sec), 30" spacing, off: 60s, LAT 
# 3781         GLO_LAT_35.20_0.00   OTF, 12'x180', (90"/sec), 30" spacing, off: 60s, LAT(time: 01:23--02:49)-1h26m 
# 3782         NGC7027              pointing (wrong)
# 3783         NGC7027              pointing
# 3784         NGC7027              L-pointing
# 3785         GLO_LAT_80.90_0.50   (start to rain) OTF, 6'x180', (90"/sec), 30" spacing, off: 60s, LAT
# 3786         GLO_LAT_80.80_0.50   OTF, 6'x180', (90"/sec), 30" spacing, off: 60s, LAT
# 3787         NGC7027              pointing
# 3788         GLO_LAT_80.70_0.50   OTF, 6'x180', (90"/sec), 30" spacing, off: 60s, LAT
# 3789         GLO_LAT_80.60_0.50   OTF, 6'x180', (90"/sec), 30" spacing, off: 60s, LAT
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########### 2019-Mar-21#####################
# 2453         3C286                pointing
# 2454         3C286                focus
# 2455         3C286                pointing
# resetting the backend
# 2457         3C286                pointing
# 2458         W3OH                 on-off    (maser detected, velocity correct)
# 2459         GLO_LAT_35.40_0.00   OTF
# 2460         GLO_LON_35.00_-0.30  OTF
# 2461         3C286                pointing
# 2462         GLO_LON_35.00_-0.50  OTF
# 2463         3C286                L-pointing
# 2464         W3OH                 on-off