In [ ]:
# Observations 06/11/2019 
# firmware specpol: band1: ok , band2: ok (upper panel missaligned by 25)
# receiver loading: ok
# check on scan 1208: specpol chan dispersion correction - ok
# start 06.11.2019, 14:45 - end 07.11.2019, 1:30
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz 
# NOTE1: Specpol now with low-pass filters; contamination between 5.8-6.0 GHz has disappeared!
# NOTE2: Tcal --> Hardware change (now it should be consistently at 3-4 K)
# NOTE3: SPECPOL fails at scan  1237 1242;  mapping strategy (short subscans)/opening separate onlplot2?
1205	NGC7027			Pointing	# Col*=-4.5 NulE=0.6 el=51
1206	NGC7027			Focus		# zLin=-1.7mm
1207	NGC7027			Pointing	# Col*=-6.4 NulE=-0.2 el=51. # specpol phase 3/4 bad
1208	NGC7027			L-Pointing	# Col*=-4.7 NulE=-0.0 el=51.
1209	W3OH			Pointing	# Col*=-5.4 NulE=-1.3 el=28. # looked very bad
1210	W3OH			ON-OFF 		# since pointing was bad, likely also to be bad...
1211	W3OH			Pointing	# Col*=-10.2 NulE=-3.3 el=29. # better
1212	W3OH			ON-OFF 		# 
1213 	3C286			Pointing 	# Col*=-3.9 NulE=-1.1 el=36.
1214 	3C286			Pointing 	# Col*=-2.1 NulE=-2.0 el=36.
1215 	3C286			CALMAP 		#
1216	3C295			Pointing 	# Col*=3.0 NulE=-9.0 el=53
1217 	3C295			CALMAP 		#
1218 	GLO_LON_49.00_-0.90	OTF		# aborted
1219	1923+210		Pointing	# Col*=-7.3 NulE=0.6 el=58
1220 	GLO_LON_49.00_-0.90	OTF		# soft rain
1221	1923+210		Pointing	# Col*=-5.6 NulE=1.2 el= 60
1222	NGC7027			Pointing	# Col*=-5.3 NulE=2.3 el= 76
1223	NGC7027			Focus		# zLin=-2.6
1224	NGC7027			Pointing	# Col*=-6.9 NulE=2.9 el=76
1225	NGC7027			L-Pointing	# Col*=-5.4 NulE=1.2 el=76
1226	OFF_27.0_-4.0		ONOFF		# ref: 27.0 -8.0
1227	1741-038		Pointing	# Col*=-8.5 NulE=2.5 el=24
1228 	GLO_LON_27.00_0.90	OTF		# aborted (baselines too strong)
1229	1923+210		Pointing	# Col*=-5.9 NulE=-0.3 el=55
1230 	GLO_LON_51.00_-0.90	OTF		# soft rain
1231	1923+210		Pointing	# Col*=-4.0 NulE=1.3 el=48
1232 	GLO_LON_51.00_0.90	OTF		# soft rain
1233	1923+210		Pointing	# Col*=-1.4 NulE=-1.6 el=35
1234 	GLO_LON_51.00_1.05	OTF		# soft rain
1235 	GLO_LON_51.00_-1.05	OTF		# stronger rain (better to repeat)
1236	2013+37			Pointing	# Col*=-5.3 NulE=-3.4 el=40
1237 	GLO_LON_80.00_1.30	OTF		# OTF to bridge gap between cygnus fields. 0.2x1.6degree;
						# increased OFFs RefafterON 30-->15 due to larger overheads
						# SPEPOL connection fitswriter stopped at subscan 127
1238 	NGC7027			Pointing	# failed
1239 	NGC7027			Pointing	# Col*=-3.4 NulE=-4.7 el=41
1240 	GLO_LON_80.00_1.30	OTF		# failed
1241 	GLO_LON_80.00_1.75	OTF		# complete otf scan 1237 (GLO_LON_80.00_1.30)
1242 	GLO_LON_80.00_0.10	OTF		# OTF to bridge gap between cygnus fields. 0.2x0.8degree;
						# increased OFFs RefafterON 30-->15 due to larger overheads
						# SPEPOL connection fitswriter stopped at subscan 85
1243	TEST_81.7_0.5		ON-OFF 		# RRL/H2CO/CH3OH-abs test at 81.68d 0.53d, ref 82.93d 0.86d;
1244 	GLO_LON_80.00_0.30	OTF		# complete otf scan 1242 (GLO_LON_80.00_0.10)
In [ ]:
# Observations 11/11/2019 
# firmware specpol: band1: ok (upper panel missaligned by 25), band2: ok (upper panel missaligned by 12)
# receiver loading: ok
# check on scan : specpol chan dispersion correction - ok
# start 11.11.2019, 19:25 - end 23:00 (bb2 error until 20:07)
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz 
# NOTE1: Specpol now with low-pass filters; contamination between 5.8-6.0 GHz has disappeared!
# NOTE2: Tcal --> Hardware change (now it should be consistently at 3-4 K)
# NOTE3: Two problems: 1)No power in bb2 (operator could confirm looking at the WFFTS vnc). 2) FW connection to specpol broke.
--> solution two both:
1) restart specpol (python> kill--> python -u >> Log...)
2) operator restarts telescope software+fitswriter
3) reload the receiver
### no power in bb2 (don't use!)
1387	NGC7027			Pointing	# Col*=-9.1 NulE=4.6 el=75 #no power in bb2
1388	NGC7027			Focus		# zLin=-2.6mm              #no power in bb2 (focus with optocbe/had power!)
1389	NGC7027			Pointing	# Col*=-7.7 NulE=6.1 el=75 #no power in bb2
1390	NGC7027			L-Pointing	# Col*=-4.1 NulE=9.0 el=75 #no power in bb2
1391	NGC7027			Pointing	# Col*=-5.3 NulE=2.8 el=75 #no power in bb2
1392	W3OH			Pointing	# no power in bb2 (noted because pointing scans very noisy; at the same time optocbe good)
1394	W3OH			On-OFF		# no power in bb2
### problem fixed
1395	W3OH			Pointing	# Col*=-7.9 NulE=10.0 el=60
1396	W3OH			ON-OFF		# 
1397	1923+210		Pointing	# Col*=-4.2 NulE=1.3 el=37
1398	GLO_LON_49.00_1.05	OTF		#
1399	NGC7027			Pointing	# Col*=-5.5 NulE=-0.2 el=58
1400	NGC7027			L-Pointing	# Col*=-7.1 NulE=0.8 el=58
1401	2013+37			Pointing	# Col*=-4.1 NulE=0.4 el=47
1402	GLO_LON_80.00_-0.70	OTF		#
1403	2013+37			Pointing	# Col*=-5.6 NulE=-1.8 el=37
1404	2013+37			Pointing	# Col*=-4.1 NulE=-1.4 el=37
1405	OFF_85.5_1.5		ON-OFF		# check against 88.0 -1.0
1406	3C138			Pointing	# Col*=-4.4 NulE=1.9 el=34.
1407	3C138			Calmap		# Calmap to check pol. 
In [ ]:
# Observations 25/11/2019 
# firmware specpol: band1: ok , band2: ok (upper band shifted by 25)
# receiver loading: ok
# check on scan 2612: specpol chan dispersion correction ok
# start 25.11.2019, 13:00 - end 22:05
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz 
# NOTE1: SCANVelocity -90" --> change origin of latitude-scanning map to high-latitude (instead of low-latitude), low-longitude corner of map (
2611	3C286			Pointing	# Col*=-6.3 NulE=2.6 el=48 
2612	3C286			Focus		# zLin=-1.9mm              
2613	3C286			Pointing	# Col*=-7.9 NulE=2.5 el=48 
2614	3C286			L-Pointing	# Col*=-7.5 NulE=3.0 el=47
2615	3C286			Calmap		# 
2616	W3OH			Pointing	# Col*=-9.9 NulE=0.1 el=27
2617	W3OH			ON-OFF		# 
2618	NGC7027			Pointing	# Col*=-3.4 NulE=-1.2 el=52.0
2619	NGC7027			L-Pointing	# Col*=-5.1 NulE=-1.4 el=52
2620	1923+210		Pointing	# Col*=-7.5 NulE=2.2 el=53.0
2621	OFF_57.6_2.6		ON-OFF		# (ref: 59.0, 3.0)
2622	OFF_46.8_3.5		ON-OFF		# (ref: 46.0, 6.0)
2623	NRAO530			Pointing	# Col*=-15.3 NulE=2.8 el=25
2624	OFF_12.0_3.0		ON-OFF		# (ref: 12.0, 6.0)
2625	3C286			Pointing	# aborted
2626	3C286			Pointing	# Col*=-6.1 NulE=-3.3 el=30
2627	3C286			Calmap		# 
2628 	1741-038		Pointing	# failed
2630 	1741-038		Pointing	# Col*=-13.8 NulE=1.3 el=35.
2631	GLO_LON_29.00_-0.50	OTF		# re-observation b/c of high rms
2632	GLO_LAT_32.60_0.00	OTF		# re-observation b/c of high rms (SCANVelocity -90")
2633	OFF_38.5_-1.6		ON-OFF		# (ref: 38.2, -1.6)
2634    NGC7027            	Pointing    	# Col*= -13.8  NulE= 1.3  el=79
2635    NGC7027            	Focus    	# Col*=-2.8    NulE=-1.0  el=79
2636    NGC7027           	Pointing    	# Col*=-2.8    NulE=-1.0  el=79
2637    NGC7027            	L-Pointing    	# Col*=-3.6    NulE=-0.1  el=78
2638    1923+210        	Pointing	# Col*=-3.8    NulE=0.7   el=48
2639	GLO_LAT_50.20_0.00	OTF		#  (SCANVelocity -90")
2640	GLO_LAT_50.40_0.00	OTF		#  (SCANVelocity -90")
2641	2013+37			Pointing	# Col*=-8.4 NulE=-6.2 el=44
2642	GLO_LAT_76.50_0.50	OTF		# re-observation b/c of high rms (SCANVelocity -90")
2643	GLO_LAT_80.50_0.50	OTF		# re-observation b/c of high rms (SCANVelocity -90")
In [ ]:
# Observations 01/12/2019 
# firmware specpol: band1: ok (upper panel missaligned by 25), band2: ok (upper panel missaligned by 25)
# receiver loading: ok
# start 01.12.2019, 16:10 - end
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz 
3343	3C48					# Pointing Col*=-11.8 NulE=-3.0
3344	3C48					# focus    z=-2.9
3345	3C48					# Pointing Col*=-10.1 NulE=2.5
3346	1923+210				# Pointing Col*=-4.5 NulE=0.1
3347	GLO_LAT_50.60_0.00		# OTF, abort, wrong OFF
3348	1923+210				# Pointing Col*=-8.5 NulE=-1.9 
3349	GLO_LAT_50.60_0.00		# OTF
3350	GLO_LAT_50.80_0.00		# OTF 
3351	2013+37					# Pointing Col*=-3.8 NulE=-5.9
3352	GLO_LON_76.50_-0.55		# OTF
3353	GLO_LON_76.50_1.85		# OTF
3354	NGC7027					# L-pointing, failed
3355	NGC7027					# L-pointing, failed
3356	NGC7027					# Pointing, Col*=-4.8 NulE=-6.0 
3357	NGC7027					# L-poinging, not automatically due to the parameters set to 0 
3358	W3OH					# Pointing, Col*=-6.5 NulE=-7.6
3359	W3OH					# CalSpec, shape Ok
3360	3C138					# CalMap 
In [ ]:
# Observations 02/12/2019 
# firmware specpol: band1: ok (upper panel missaligned by 25), band2: ok (upper panel missaligned by 12)
# receiver loading: ok
# start 02.12.2019, 16:00 - end
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz 
3375		NGC7027					# Pointing col*=-6.7 NulE=5.0
3376		NGC7027					# focus  z=-2.0
3377		NGC7027					# Pointing col*=-7.2 NulE=7.7
3378		NGC7027					# L-pointing
3379		1923+210				# Pointing col*=-2.9 NulE=10.5 
3380		GLO_LAT_51.00_0.00		# OTF
3381		GLO_LAT_51.20_0.00		# OTF
3382		GLO_LAT_51.40_0.00		# OTF
3383		2013+37					# Pointing col*=-5.2 NulE=-2.7
########### Low power at 7 GHz (do not use it) #########################################################
3384		GLO_LAT_76.90_0.50		# OTF (low power at 7 GHz)
3385		W3OH					# Pointing col*=-12.4 NulE=5.5  (low power at 7 GHz)
3386		W3OH					# Onoff shape OK (low power at 7 GHz)
3387		W3OH					# check power (low power at 7 GHz)
3388		3C138					# Pointing  (power issues at 7GHz)
3389		3C138					# CalMap (for 5GHz) (low power at 7 GHz)
3390		NGC7027					# Pointing (low power at 7 GHz) 
3391		NGC7027					# L-pointing (low power at 7 GHz)