In [ ]:
# Observations 04/07/2020;
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5)
# receiver loading: ok 
# check on scan: specpol chan dispersion correction: ok; power 7 GHz: seemed fine;
# start 03.07.2020, 20:30; end 04.07.2020, 07:30
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
9813    3C286           	pointing        # Col*=-4.4 NulE=2.9
9814    3C286           	focus           # z = -1.6mm
9815    3C286           	pointing        # Col*=-3.6 NulE=6.8 
9816    3C286           	L-pointing      # Col*=-4.0 NulE=6.3
9817    3C286           	CalMap          #
9818    1923+210        	pointing        # Col*=5.6 NulE=1.6
9819    GLO_LAT_47.00_0.00  OTF         	#
9820    1741-038        	pointing        # Col*=-8.4 NulE=-11.1
9821    GLO_LON_27.00_-0.80 OTF         	#
9822    NRAO530         	pointing        # Col*=-9.8 NulE=-17.0
9823    GLO_LAT_-1.55_0.00  OTF         	#
9824    GLO_LAT_-0.35_0.00  OTF         	#
9825    GLO_LAT_1.55_0.00   OTF         	#
9826    1741-038        	pointing        # Col*=-11.0 NulE=-12.0
9827    GLO_LON_27.00_-0.60 OTF         	#
9828    GLO_LON_27.00_-0.40 OTF         	#
9829    1923+210        	pointing        # Col*=-9.6 NulE=-12.9
9830    GLO_LAT_46.80_0.00  OTF         	#
9831    GLO_LAT_46.60_0.00  OTF         	#
9832    GLO_LAT_46.40_0.00  OTF         	# stopped
9833    W3OH            	pointing        # Col*=-3.6 NulE=-0.4
9834    W3OH            	onoff           # Shape OK
9835    NGC7027         	pointing        # Col*=-8.1 NulE=2.7
In [ ]:
# Observations 05/07/2020;
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5)
# receiver loading: ok 
# check on scan: specpol chan dispersion correction: ok; power 7 GHz: seemed fine;
# start 05.07.2020, 20:30; end 06.07.2020, 07:30
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
76	3C286					pointing	# Col*=-2.6  NulE=11.3 
77	3C286					focus		# z=-1.3
78	3C286					pointing	# Col*=-2.9  NulE=14.1
79	3C286					L-pointing	# Col*=-1.2  NulE=11.3
80	3C286					CalMap		#
81	W3OH					pointing	# Col*=-4.6  NulE=-5.3
82	W3OH					onoff		# shape Ok
83 	1923+210				pointing	# Col*=14.4  NulE=-6.1
84	GLO_LAT_46.40_0.00		OTF			# stopped due to the wrong topology
85	NGC7027					L-pointing 	# cancel too far away
86	3C286					pointing	# Col*=-3.3  NulE=0.2
87	3C286					focus		# z=-1.5 after sunset
88	3C286					pointing	# Col*=-3.1  NulE=-1.0
89	1741-038				pointing 	# Col*=-4.3  NulE=-4.7
90	GLO_LON_27.00_-0.20 	OTF			#
91	NRAO530					pointing	# Col*=-12.0  NulE=-14.0
92	GLO_LAT_-1.45_0.00		OTF			#
93	GLO_LAT_1.45_0.00		OTF			#
94	1741-038				pointing	# Col*=-7.9  NulE=-12.7
95	GLO_LON_27.00_-0.00		OTF			#
96	GLO_LON_27.00_0.20		OTF			#
97	1923+210				pointing	# Col*=-8.4  NulE=-9.5
98	GLO_LAT_46.40_0.00		OTF			#
99	GLO_LAT_46.20_0.00		OTF			#
100	1923+210				pointing	# Col*=-3.7  NulE=-18.7
101	GLO_LAT_46.00_0.00		OTF			# 
102	1923+210				pointing	# Col*=-3.2  NulE=-17.7
103	NGC7027					pointing	# out of time
In [ ]:
# Observations 07/07/2020;
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5)
# receiver loading: ok 
# check on scan: specpol chan dispersion correction: ok; power 7 GHz: seemed fine;
# start 07.07.2020, 00:00; end 07.07.2020, 07:30
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
# FFTS was frozon at the beginning, restart it and it worked afterwards.
153	3C286			pointing	# Col*=-3.3  NulE=-10.0
154	3C286			focus		# z =-2.3 mm
155	3C286			pointing	# Col*=-3.7  NulE=-10.2
156	NRAO530			pointing	# Col*=-9.0  NulE=-8.9
157	GLO_LAT_1.35_0.00	OTF		#
158	3C286			pointing	# Col*=-2.5  NulE=-15.4
159	3C286			Calmap		# 
160	3C286			L-pointing	# Col*=-1.5  NulE=-17.5
161	1741-038		pointing	# Col*=-8.1  NulE=-9.1
162	GLO_LON_27.00_0.40	OTF		#
163	GLO_LON_27.00_0.60	OTF		#
164	1740+-96		pointing	# Col*=-1.1  NulE=-16.4
165	GLO_LON_47.00_-1.00	OTF		#
166	GLO_LON_47.00_-0.80	OTF		#
167	GLO_LON_47.00_-0.60	OTF		#
168	1923+210		pointing	# Col*=-3.6  NulE=-16.6
169	W3OH			pointing	# Col*=-5.0  NulE=-5.5
170	W3OH			onoff		# shape ok
In [ ]:
# Observations 07/07/2020;
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5)
# receiver loading: ok 
# check on scan: specpol chan dispersion correction: ok; power 7 GHz: seemed fine;
# start 07.07.2020, 20:30; end 08.07.2020, 03:00
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
188			3C286				Pointing		#	Col*=-3.5  NulE=7.3
189			3C286				focus			#	z=4.3  centered at low frequency 
190			3C286				pointing		#	Col*=-0.9  NulE=7.9
191			3C286				focus			#	z=-1.2
192			3C286				pointing		#	Col*=-0.9  NulE=7.9
193			3C286				L-Pointing		#	Col*=-1.0  NulE=9.8
194			3C286				CalMap			#
195			1923+210			pointing		#	Col*=2.4  NulE=11.6
196			GLO_LON_47.00_-0.40	OTF				#	canceled due to wrong topology
197			1741-038			Pointing		#	Col*=-7.1  NulE=-0.7
198			GLO_LON_47.00_-0.40	OTF				#
199			1741-038			Pointing		#	Col*=-8.4  NulE=-3.2
200			GLO_LON_27.00_0.80	OTF				#
201			NRAO530				Poinging		#	Col*=-12.3  NulE=-12.2
202			GLO_LAT_-1.35_0.00	OTF				#
203			GLO_LAT_1.25_0.00	OTF				#
204			1741-038			pointing		#	Col*=-12.2  NulE=-9.1
205			GLO_LON_27.00_1.00	OTF				#
206			1749+096			Pointing		#	Col*=-2.6  NulE=-7.1
207			GLO_LON_47.00_-0.20	OTF				#	stopped by the operator
208			W3OH				Pointing		#	time limited, canceled
209			NGC7027				pointing		#
In [ ]:
# Observations 13/07/2020; Rugel
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5); delay -3 and -2
# receiver loading: ok 
# check on scan 881: specpol chan dispersion correction: ok; power 7 GHz: seemed fine; checked also W3OH on 900 - ok
# start 13.7.2020, 00:30; end 13.7.2020, 07:15
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
881	3C286			Pointing	# Col*=0.1"  NulE=-13.6"   el=30
882	3C286			Focus		# zlin=-2.6mm dzlin=5.8
883	3C286			Pointing	# Col*=-1.2"  NulE=-14.1"   el=30
884	3C286			Calmap		# el=30
885	1741-038		Pointing	# Col*=-8.9" NulE=-9.9" el=33
886     OFF_24.0_-4.0		ONOFF		# ref 24.0 -8.0; 5min ON; el=30; small contamination CH3OH
887	1749+096		Pointing	# Col*=-6.7" NulE=-8.0" el=45
888	GLO_LON_47.00_-0.20	OTF		# el=47-52
889	GLO_LON_47.00_-0.00	OTF		# el=40-49
890	1749+096		Pointing	# Col*=-0.9" NulE=-16.8" el=25
891     OFF_42.0_4.0		ONOFF		# ref 42.0 8.0; 5min ON; el=35; small contamination CH3OH/H2CO
892	1923+210		Pointing	# Col*=-3.3" NulE=-14.2" el=45
893	GLO_LON_47.00_0.20	OTF		# el=25-37
894	GLO_LON_60.00_0.00	OTF		# el=25-38
895	NGC7027			Pointing	# Col*=-1.4" NulE=-12.9" el=52
896	NGC7027			Focus		# zlin=0.7mm
897	NGC7027			Pointing	# Col*=-2.5" NulE=-12.9" el=52
898	NGC7027			L-Pointing	# Col*=-4.4" NulE=-10.6" el=52
899	W3OH			Pointing	# Col*=-8.7" NulE=-5.6" el=74
900	W3OH			ONOFF		# el=74 - OK
In [ ]:
# Observations 14/07/2020; Rugel
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5); delay -3 and -2
# receiver loading: ok 
# check on scan 923: specpol chan dispersion correction: ok; power 7 GHz: seemed fine; no observation of W3OH due to time limitations
# start 13.7.2020, 00:30; end 13.7.2020, 07:15
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
# NOTE: low power in 934 - needed to restart system
# NOTE: Queue problem: Need to re-observe GLO_LON_47.00_0.80, GLO_LON_59.80_0.00
923	3C286			Pointing	# Col*=-2.4"  NulE=3.6"   el=66
924	3C286			Focus		# zlin=-2.0mm dzlin=-1.3mm
925	3C286			Pointing	# Col*=-3.0"  NulE=-3.8"   el=66
926	3C286			Calmap		# el=66
927	1923+210		Pointing	# Col*=-3.8" NulE=-6.1" el=30
929	GLO_LON_47.00_0.40	OTF		# el=26-39
930     OFF_42.0_-4.0		ONOFF		# ref 42.0 -8.0; 2min ON; el=27-31; small contamination CH3OH
931     OFF_24.0_-3.0		ONOFF		# ref 24.0 -5.0; 2min ON; el=21-23; clear
932 	NRAO530			Pointing	# Col*=-13.5" NulE=-10.0" el=25
933	GLO_LAT_0.25_0.00	OTF		# el=8.5-12.1
934-936	GLO_LAT_-1.25_0.00	OTF		# ABORTED - LOW POWER IN 7GHZ BAND
937	GLO_LAT_-1.25_0.00	OTF		# el=9-12
938	GLO_LAT_-1.25_0.00	OTF		# el=8-12 (reobserved due to queue problem)
939	GLO_LAT_1.15_0.00	OTF		# el=9-11 (observed quite late in the GC window, but obs ok)
940	NGC7027			Pointing	# Col*=-6.5" NulE=-3.1" el=70
941	NGC7027			Focus		# zlin=-2.5mm
942	NGC7027			Pointing	# Col*=-5.9" NulE=-2.4" el=70
943	NGC7027			L-Pointing	# Col*=-7.0" NulE=-0.6" el=70
944	1741-038		Pointing	# Col*=-4.2" NulE=-11.1" el=30
945	GLO_LON_25.80_0.00	OTF		# el=25-31
946	1749+096		Pointing	# Col*=-3.8" NulE=-14.5" el=34
947	GLO_LON_47.00_0.40	OTF		# el=37-47 (re-observed by mistake; use this scan b/c higher elevation)
948	GLO_LON_47.00_0.60	OTF		# el=27-39
949	1923+210		Pointing	# Col*=-1.8" NulE=-17.2" el=35
950     OFF_41.8_3.35		ONOFF		# ref 41.8 7.35; 2min ON; el=20; weak H2CO absorption at 50 km/s; use 42.0, 4.0
951	GLO_LON_47.00_0.80	OTF		# TOO LOW (observed later due to que problem)
952	GLO_LON_59.80_0.00	OTF		# SCANS MISSING el=21-27
In [ ]:
# Observations 15/07/2020; Rugel
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5); delay 21 and 22
# receiver loading: ok 
# check on scan 990: specpol chan dispersion correction: ok; power 7 GHz: seemed fine; W3OH fine
# start 14.7.2020, 21:15; 15.7.2020, 7:15 ; lost 1 h (20-21) b/c of telescope problem
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
# rain (probably only light): CEST 1:30-3:30; potentially affected: GLO_LON_25.40_0.00, GLO_LON_47.00_-0.60
990	3C286			Pointing	# Col*=-4.4"  NulE=9.1"   el=61
991	3C286			Focus		# zlin=-1.7mm 
992	3C286			Pointing	# Col*=-5.5"  NulE=9.1"   el=61
993	3C286			L-Pointing	# Col*=-5.9"  NulE=9.6"   el=61
994	3C286			Calmap		# el=61
995	W3OH			Pointing	# Col*=-4.1"  NulE=3.2"   el=23
996	W3OH			ONOFF		# 
997	W3OH			ONOFF		# 
998	NGC7027			Pointing	# Col*=-2.2" NulE=0.3" el=40
999	NGC7027			Focus		# zlin=-1.9mm
1000	NGC7027			L-Pointing	# Col*=-7.3" NulE=1.0" el=40
1001	NRAO530			Pointing	# Col*=-7.4" NulE=-2.0" el=24
1002	GLO_LAT_1.05_0.00	OTF		# el=9-12
1003	GLO_LAT_-1.15_0.00	OTF		# el=8-12
1004	GLO_LAT_0.95_0.00	OTF		# el=11-12
1005	3C286			Pointing	# Col*=4.3"  NulE=-7.2"   el=34
1006	3C286			Pointing	# Col*=-2.6"  NulE=-7.4"   el=34
1007	1741-038		Pointing	# Col*=-8.2" NulE=-4.3" el=34
1008	GLO_LAT_25.60_0.00	OTF		# el=30-33
1009	GLO_LAT_25.40_0.00	OTF		# el=25-31 ; RAIN
1010	1749+096		Pointing	# Col*=-2.2" NulE=-8.6" el=35 ; RAIN, baseline a bit bad
1011	GLO_LON_47.00_-0.60	OTF		# el=38-48 (re-observed b/c prev. obs. incomplete); RAIN
1012	GLO_LON_47.00_0.80	OTF		# el=27-39 (re-observed b/c prev. obs. too low)
1013	1923+210		Pointing	# Col*=0.1" NulE=-9.1" el=35
1014	GLO_LAT_59.80_0.00	OTF		# el=27-40 (re-observed b/c prev. obs. incomplete)
1015	NGC7027			Pointing	# Col*=-1.5" NulE=-8.3" el=54
1016	NGC7027			Focus		# zlin=-1.3mm
1017	NGC7027			Pointing	# Col*=-3.3" NulE=-6.9" el=54
1018	NGC7027			L-Pointing	# Col*=-4.0" NulE=-5.9" el=54
1019	3C138			Pointing	# Col*=-0.5" NulE=-5.6" el=28
1020	3C138			Pointing	# Col*=-3.5" NulE=-2.5" el=28
1021	3C138			Calmap		# 
In [ ]:
# Observations 16/07/2020; Rugel
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5); delay 21 and 22
# receiver loading: ok 
# start 15.7.2020, 20:00; 16.7.2020, 6:40 ;
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
1041	3C286              	Pointing	# Col*=-2.1" NulE=6.1" el=68 
1042	3C286              	Focus		# zlin=-1.1
1043	3C286              	Pointing	# el=67
1044	3C286              	Calmap		# Col*=-2.5" NulE=5.0" el=67 
1045	W3OH               	Pointing	# el=22
1046	W3OH               	ONOFF		# el=22
1047	NGC7027            	Pointing	# Col*=-6.9" NulE=-8.9" el=29 
1048	NGC7027            	L-Pointing	# Col*=-11." NulE=-7.3" el=30 
1049	1923+210           	Pointing	# Col*=-2.4" NulE=-1.4" el=31 
1050	GLO_LON_47.00_1.00 	OTF  		# el=27
1051	NRAO530            	Oointing	# Col*=-10." NulE=-9.2" el=24 
1052	GLO_LAT_0.85_0.00  	OTF		# el=8.
1053	GLO_LAT_-1.05_0.00 	OTF		# el=8.
1054	GLO_LAT_0.35_0.00  	OTF		# el=10
1055	3C286              	Pointing	# Col*=2.1 " NulE=-8.8"
1056	3C286              	Focus		# zlin=-1.3	     
1057	3C286              	Poiting		# Col*=-2.0" NulE=-8.8"
1058	NRAO530            	Pointing	# Col*=-8.7" NulE=-5.8"
1059	GLO_LAT_25.20_0.00 	OTF  		# el=29
1060	GLO_LAT_25.00_0.00 	OTF  		# el=25
1061	1749+096           	Pointing	# Col*=-6.2" NulE=-10.3" el=35 
1062	GLO_LAT_45.80_0.00 	OTF  		# el=38
1063	GLO_LAT_45.60_0.00 	OTF  		# el=28
1064	1923+210           	Pointing	# Col*=-1.3" NulE=-10.2" el=36 
1065	GLO_LAT_59.60_0.00 	OTF  		# el=27
1066	NGC7027            	Pointing	# Col*=-2.3" NulE=-4.9" el=54 
1067	NGC7027            	Focus		# zlin=-1.1
1068	NGC7027            	Pointing	# Col*=-2.4" NulE=-4.5" el=53 
1069	NGC7027            	L-Pointing	# el=53                        
In [ ]:
# Observations on the night of 19/07/2020  by Rohit Dokara
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5); delay -2 and -3
# receiver loading: ok
# From  19.07.2020 20:00  to  20.07.2020 06:35
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
1107    3C286               Pointing    # el=66     Col*=2.6"       NulE=25"
1108    3C286               Focus       #                                       zlin=-2.7
1109    3C286               Pointing    # el=66     Col*=5.1"       NulE=22.8"
1110    3C286               L-Pointing  # el=66     Col*=2.3"       NulE=23.3"
1111    3C286               Calmap      # el=65
1112    1923+210            Pointing    # el=33     Col*=-13.6"     NulE=5.0"   QUEUE MANAGER STOPPED WORKING HERE
1113    GLO_LAT_45.40_0.00  OTF         # el=30                                 CANCELLED SCAN TO RESTART QUEUE MANAGER, TELESCOPE WAS STILL FOR A ~ MINUTES
1114    GLO_LAT_45.40_0.00  OTF         # el=37                                 BASELINE JUST A LITTLE BAD
1115    NRAO530             Pointing    # el=25     Col*=-10.5"     NulE=-6.4"
1116    GLO_LAT_0.45_0.00   OTF         # el=10
1117    GLO_LAT_0.65_0.00   OTF         # el=11
1118    GLO_LAT_0.75_0.00   OTF         # el=11
1119    NGC7027             Pointing    # el=61     Col*=-5.3"      NulE=-0.6"
1120    NGC7027             L-Pointing  # el=62     Col*=-7.1"      NulE=-1.1"
1121    1741-038            Pointing    # el=34     Col*=-8.1"      NulE=-1.7"
1122    GLO_LAT_25.20_0.00  OTF         # el=32                                 RFI 7.2-7.8 GHz
1123    GLO_LAT_25.00_0.00  OTF         # el=27                                 RFI 7.2-7.8 GHz
1124    1749+096            Pointing    # el=34     Col*=-3.5"      NulE=-12.6"
1125    GLO_LON_45.00_-1.00 OTF         # el=41
1126    GLO_LON_45.00_-0.80 OTF         # el=30
1127    1923+210            Pointing    # el=35     Col*=-1.7"      NulE=-12.6"
1128    GLO_LAT_59.40_0.00  OTF         # el=33
1129    W3OH                Pointing    # el=71     Col*=-11.0"     NulE=4.1"
1130    W3OH                PSw         # el=72
In [ ]:
# Observations on the night of 20/07/2020  by Rohit Dokara
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5); delay 23 and 10
# receiver loading: ok
# From  20.07.2020 20:00  to  21.07.2020 06:30
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
1161    3C286               Pointing    # el=66     Col*=3.7"       NulE=-3.5"
1162    3C286               Focus       #                                       zlin=-1.7
1163    3C286               Pointing    # el=65     Col*=3.0"       NulE=-4.9"
1164    3C286               L-Pointing  # el=65     Col*=1.3"       NulE=-3.9"
1165    3C286               Calmap      # el=65
1166    NGC7027             Pointing    # el=30     Col*=-6.5"      NulE=-13.9"
1167    NGC7027             L-Pointing  # el=31     Col*=-9.7"      NulE=-13.7"
1168    1923+210            Pointing    # el=32     Col*=-2.5"      NulE=-4.2"
1169    GLO_LAT_45.20_0.00  OTF         # el=32
1170    NRAO530             Pointing    # el=43     Col*=-7.5"      NulE=-8.0"  WRONG COORDINATES (REALIZED LATER)
1171    GLO_LAT_-0.95_0.00  OTF         # el=8                                  ELEVATION TOO LOW, TELESCOPE STOPPED
1172    GLO_LAT_-0.95_0.00  OTF         # el=9                                  ELEVATION TOO LOW, TELESCOPE STOPPED
1173    GLO_LAT_-0.85_0.00  OTF         # el=9                                  STOPPED OBSERVING, NRAO530 HAD WRONG COORDINATES BEFORE
1174    NRAO530             Pointing    # el=26     Col*=-15.0"     NulE=-7.9"
1175    GLO_LAT_-0.85_0.00  OTF         # el=9
1176    GLO_LAT_-0.75_0.00  OTF         # el=9
1177    1741-038            Pointing    # el=35     Col*=-10.9"     NulE=-11.6"
1178    GLO_LAT_24.80_0.00  OTF         # el=32                                 RFI 7.2-7.8 GHz
1179    1749+096            Pointing    # el=44     Col*=-6.9"      NulE=-11.9"
1180    GLO_LON_45.00_-0.60 OTF         # el=48
1181    GLO_LON_45.00_-0.40 OTF         # el=42
1182    GLO_LON_45.00_-0.20 OTF         # el=
1183    1923+210            Pointing    # el=36     Col*=-0.9"      NulE=-18.1"
1184    GLO_LAT_59.20_0.00  OTF         # el=35
1185    NGC7027             Pointing    # el=54     Col*=-0.0"      NulE=-14.7"
1186    NGC7027             Focus       # el=54                                 zlin=-2.3
1187    NGC7027             Pointing    # el=54     Col*=0.1"       NulE=-14.3"
1188    NGC7027             L-Pointing  # el=54     Col*=-1.7"      NulE=-14.7"
1189    W3OH                Pointing    # el=73     Col*=-4.3"      NulE=-7.3"
1190    W3OH                PSw         # el=73