# Observations 01/09/2020;
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5); delay -1 20
# receiver loading: ok
# start 01.9.2020; start at 17:00; 02.9.2020, 01:00
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
2884 3C286 Pointing # Col*=3.5" NulE=16.9" el=67
2885 3C286 focus # z=-0.7 mm
2886 3C286 Pointing # Col*=3.0" NulE=16.0" el=67
2887 3C286 CalMap #
2888 1741-038 Pointing # Col*=-3.1" NulE=5.3" el=22
2889 GLO_LON_45.00_1.00 OTF #
2890 3C286 Pointing # Col*=1.6" NulE=-1.1" el=55
2891 3C286 Pointing # Col*=-2.6" NulE=-1.4" el=55
2892 NRAO530 Pointing # Col*=-9.0" NulE=6.9" el=23
2893 GLO_LON_1.00_1.05 OTF #
2894 GLO_LON_-0.05_0.00 OTF #
2895 GLO_LON_-1.00_-0.95 OTF # stopped at the 2nd scan (low EL?)
2896 GLO_LON_-1.00_-0.95 OTF # stopped at the last scan (low EL?)
2897 GLO_LAT_0.05_0.00 OTF #
2898 NGC7027 Pointing # Col*=-3.5" NulE=-4.7" el=65
2899 NGC7027 focus # z =-1.6
2900 NGC7027 Pointing # Col*=-3.5" NulE=-4.7" el=65
2901 NGC7027 L-Pointing # Col*=-5.6" NulE=-3.6" el=65
2902 1741-038 Pointing # Col*=-6.9" NulE=-2.8" el=65
2903 GLO_LON_25.00_0.60 OTF #
2904 GLO_LON_25.00_0.80 OTF #
2905 1923+210 Pointing # Col*=-6.7" NulE=-9.7" el=51
2906 GLO_LAT_45.00_1.00 OTF #
# Observations 02/09/2020;
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5); delay -1 20
# receiver loading: ok
# start 02.9.2020; start at 17:00; 03.9.2020, 05:00
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
2921 3C286 Pointing # Col*=3.5" NulE=16.9" el=67
2922 3C286 focus # z=-0.7 mm
2923 3C286 Pointing # Col*=3.0" NulE=16.0" el=67
2924 3C286 CalMap #
2925 1741-038 Pointing # Col*=-3.1" NulE=5.3" el=22
2926 GLO_LAT_43.80_0.00 OTF #
2927 NRAO530 Pointing # Col*=1.6" NulE=-1.1" el=55
2928 GLO_LON_25.00_1.00 OTF #
2929 NRAO530 Pointing # Col*=-9.0" NulE=6.9" el=23
2930 GLO_LON_1.00_-1.05 OTF #
2931 GLO_LON_-1.00_1.05 OTF #
2932 NGC7027 Pointing # Col*=-3.5" NulE=-4.7" el=65
2933 NGC7027 focus # z =-1.6
2934 NGC7027 Pointing # Col*=-3.5" NulE=-4.7" el=65
2935 1741-038 Pointing # Col*=-6.9" NulE=-2.8" el=65
2936 GLO_LAT_23.80_0.00 OTF #
2937 GLO_LAT_23.60_0.00 OTF #
2938 1749+096 Pointing # Col*=-6.7" NulE=-9.7" el=51
2939 GLO_LAT_43.80_0.00 OTF #
2940 GLO_LAT_43.60_0.00 OTF #
2941 1723+210 Pointing # Col*=-6.7" NulE=-9.7" el=51
2942 GLO_LAT_59.00_-0.80 OTF #
2943 GLO_LAT_59.00_-0.60 OTF #
2944 NGC7027 Pointing # Col*=-3.5" NulE=-4.7" el=65
2945 NGC7027 L-Pointing # Col*=-3.5" NulE=-4.7" el=65
2944 W3OH Pointing # Col*=-3.5" NulE=-4.7" el=65
2945 W3OH Onoff # shape ok
# Observations 10/09/2020;
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5); delay 1 24
# receiver loading: ok
# start 10.9.2020; start at 21:00; 11.9.2020, 04:00
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
########################## May not use the data in the block #################
3411 3C286 Pointing # Col*=0.0" NulE=-12.1" el=27
3412 3C286 focus # z= 4.6 mm
3413 3C286 Pointing # Col*=10.5" NulE=-19.4" el=26
3414 3C286 CalMap #
########################## May not use the data above ########################
3415 NGC7027 Pointing # Col*=-8.6" NulE=-6.4" el=71
3416 NGC7027 focus # z=-3.7mm
3417 NGC7027 Pointing # Col*=-8.1" NulE=-5.7" el=72
3418 NGC7027 focus # z=-3.7 mm
3419 NGC7027 Pointing # Col*=-8.9" NulE=-5.9" el=73
3420 NGC7027 L-pointing # Col*=-9.6" NulE=-6.6" el=73
3421 1741-038 Pointing # Col*=-7.3" NulE=-2.1" el=29
3422 GLO_LAT_23.40_0.00 OTF #
3423 GLO_LAT_23.20_0.00 OTF #
3424 1749+096 Pointing # Col*=-2.2" NulE=-18.2" el=24
3425 GLO_LAT_43.40_0.00 OTF #
3426 GLO_LAT_43.20_0.00 OTF #
3427 1923+210 Pointing # Col*=-4.3" NulE=-20.1" el=25
3428 GLO_LON_59.00_-0.40 OTF #
3429 NGC7027 Pointing # Col*=-1.1" NulE=-18.9" el=44
3430 NGC7027 L-Poinging # Col*=-4.5" NulE=-18.6" el=43
3431 W3OH Pointing # Col*=-6.7" NulE=-14.8" el=78
3432 W3OH Onoff # shape ok
# Observations 30/09/2020;
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5); delay -1 24
# receiver loading: ok
# start 30.9.2020; start at 17:00; 01.10.2020, 03:00
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
########################## May not use the data in the block #################
5676 3C286 Pointing # Col*=-5.3" NulE=-4.3" el=46
5677 3C286 focus # z= -1.0 mm
5678 3C286 Pointing # Col*=-5.2" NulE=-4.0" el=45
5679 3C286 CalMap #
5680 NRAO530 pointing # Col*=-12.6" NulE=-3.4" el=26
5681 GLO_LON_-1.00_0.75 OTF #
5682 GLO_LON_1.00_0.85 OTF #
5683 3C286 pointing # Col*=2.8" NulE=-6.5" el=30
5684 3C286 focus # z=-2.6 mm
5685 3C286 Pointing # Col*=0" NulE=-7.6" el=29
5686 1741-038 Pointing # Col*=-6.5" NulE=-0.9" el=31
5687 GLO_LAT_24.20_0.00 OTF #
5688 GLO_LAT_23.00_0.00 OTF #
5689 1749+096 pointing # Col*=-4.7" NulE=-8.8" el=30
5690 GLO_LAT_43.00_0.00 OTF #
5691 GLO_LAT_42.80_0.00 OTF #
5692 1923+210 Pointing # Col*=-0.4" NulE=-12.5" el=30
5693 GLO_LON_59.00_-0.20 OTF #
5694 GLO_LON_59.00_-0.00 OTF #
5695 NGC7027 pointing # Col*=0.4" NulE=-12.3" el=40
5696 NGC7027 focus # z=-1.7 mm
5697-5698 cancel
5699 NGC7027 L-pointing # Col*=-1.5" NulE=-9.9" el=40
5700 W3OH Pointing # Col*=-1.8" NulE=-11.9" el=78
5701 W3OH onoff # shape ok