# Observations 16/11/2020; Rugel
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5); delay 19,20
# receiver loading: ok
# start 16.11.2020; start at 16:00; 16.11.2020, 21:00;
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
# WITH FREQUENCY FILTER BB4 (tbc - judging from the absence of spikes...)
2368 3C286 Pointing # Col*=5.5" NulE=-9.0" el=23
2369 3C286 Focus # problem onlineplotter --> restart
2370 3C286 Focus # zlin=-2.0mm
2371 3C286 Pointing # Col*=3.0" NulE=13.3" el=21
2372 3C286 Pointing # Col*=2.4" NulE=12.8" el=21
2373 3C286 Calmap #
2374 1749+096 Pointing # Col*=-6.2" NulE=-5.2" el=41
2375 GLO_LAT_42.60_0.00 OTF # el=41-47
2376 GLO_LAT_42.40_0.00 OTF # el=32-40
2377 1749+096 Pointing # Col*=1.5" NulE=-12.4" el=21
2378 GLO_LAT_42.20_0.00 OTF # el=21-31
2379 NGC7027 Pointing # Col*=-4.7" NulE=-1.4" el=62
2380 NGC7027 L-Pointing # Col*=-4.3" NulE=-0.3" el=62
2381 2013+37 Pointing # Col*=-2.9" NulE=-4.6" el=50
2382 K3-50A ONOFF # el=44
2383 W3OH Pointing # Col*=-9.0" NulE=1.0" el=67
2384 W3OH ONOFF # el=67
#Observation 21-21/11/2020
#start 21.11.2020, 17:55 - end 21.11.2020, 21:54 CEST
#firmware special: band1: 21, band2:-2
#receiver loading; s45mm; ***2phase; ok
#check on scan: specpol chan dispersion correction - ok for both bands
#start 21.11.2020, 18:00 - end 21.11.2020, 20:30
#######setup steps#################
#1,startup: project code: 107-20(wrong); Directory: /home/obseff/ygong/
#2,specpol: 1, attenuation value 0.5; load special firmware False; restart** False
# 2, attenuation value -1 ; load special firmware True; restart** False
# 3, wait for the load firmware successfully and delay,
# 4, attenuation value -1 ; load special firmware False; restart** True
# 5, wait for the restarted successfully
#3,Secondary: receiver: s45mm; version: cband_spec_plus_zooms_plus_polarimeter_2phases; freq:6GHz; load
#4, pointing; focus; pointing; Lpointing;
#5, observationClients: FeBe: s45mm-SPECPOL; BE section: 05 (BB-02 7000m FEED-01 X), zoom in the spectroscopy and press t to select the freq 6.7GHz; range: 6600-6730 MHz;
#6, mapping 3c286: Mapping; @Cal3c286
#7, mapping target: PSwitch; @mapnew/glo_lat_59.00_0.20
#######setup finish#################
### 3008 Temp:3.8degree; Winds=3.5m/s; col*=-8.5 NulE=6.7 Z = -2.9####
# 3009 NGC7027 pointing col*=1.1 NulE=6.3
# 3010 NGC7027 focus Z = -2.0
# 3011 NGC7027 pointing col*=0.6 NulE=5.2
# 3012 1749+096 pointing col*=-3.3 NulE=1.3
###scan 3013 has been killed by operator accidentally###
# 3014 1923+210 pointing col*=-4.5 NulE=0.2
# 3015 GLO_LAT_42.00_0.00 Mapping
# 3016 GLO_LON_59.00_0.20 Mapping
# 3017 NGC7027 pointing col*=-3.0 NulE=-0.3
# 3018 NGC7027 Lpointing col*=-4.1 NulE=-1.5
#Observation 22-22/11/2020
#start 22.11.2020, 13:00 - end 22.11.2020, 20:30 CEST
#firmware special: band1: 21, band2:10
#receiver loading; s45mm; ***2phase; ok
#check on scan: specpol chan dispersion correction - ok for both bands
#start 21.11.2020, 18:00 - end 21.11.2020, 20:30
#######setup steps#################
#1,startup: project code: 102-20; Directory: /home/obseff/ygong/
#2,specpol: 1, attenuation value 0.5; load special firmware False; restart** False
# 2, attenuation value -1 ; load special firmware True; restart** False
# 3, wait for the load firmware successfully and delay,
# 4, attenuation value -1 ; load special firmware False; restart** True
# 5, wait for the restarted successfully
#3,Secondary: receiver: s45mm; version: cband_spec_plus_zooms_plus_polarimeter_2phases; freq:6GHz; load
#4, pointing; focus; pointing; Lpointing;
#5, observationClients: FeBe: s45mm-SPECPOL; BE section: 05 (BB-02 7000m FEED-01 X), zoom in the spectroscopy and press t to select the freq 6.7GHz; range: 6600-6730 MHz;
#6, mapping 3c286: Mapping; @Cal3c286
#7, mapping target: PSwitch; @mapnew/glo_lat_59.00_0.20
#######setup finish#################
### 3164 Temp:6.9degree; Winds=4.2m/s; col*=-4.1 NulE=-1.5 Z = -2.0####
#use project ID 107-20
# 3165 3C286 pointing col*=-0.5 NulE=0.3
# 3166 3C286 focus Z = 3.6
# 3167 3C286 pointing col*=0.5 NulE=0.3
##restar the online plotter twice###
#revised the project ID 102-20
# 3168 3C286 pointing col*=0.5 NulE=0.3
# 3169 3C286 pointing col*=-3.4 NulE=0.3
# 3170 3C286 focus Z = 0.2
# 3171 3C286 pointing col*=-4.8 NulE=2.1
# 3172 3C286 Mapping
# 3173 NRAO530 pointing col*=-10.6 NulE=-9.6
# 3174 GLO_LAT_23.00_-0.80 Mapping
##we do Lpointing here in case of rainning later,###
# 3175 NGC7027 pointing col*=6.0 NulE=1.5
# 3176 NGC7027 focus Z = -0.9
# 3177 NGC7027 pointing col*=6.3 NulE=3.4
# 3178 NGC7027 Lpointing col*=5.7 NulE=4.9
# 3179 1749+096 pointing col*=-5.1 NulE=9.8
# 3180 GLO_LON_43.00_-1.00 Mapping
# 3181 GLO_LON_43.00_-0.80 Mapping
# 3182 1749+096 pointing col*=-1.6 NulE=-0.1
# 3183 GLO_LON_43.00_-0.60 Mapping
# 3184 GLO_LON_59.00_0.40 Mapping
# 3185 W3OH pointing col*=0.7 NulE=7.5
# 3186 W3OH pswitch/on-off
# Observations 23/11/2020;
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5); delay 1 12
# receiver loading: ok
# start 23.11.2020; start at 16:00; 23.11.2020, 20:30
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
3323 NGC7027 Pointing # Col*=1.8" NulE=9.8" el=76
3324 NGC7027 focus # z=-2.6mm
3325 NGC7027 Pointing # Col*=1.7" NulE=12.6" el=76
3326 NGC7027 L-pointing # Col*=-0.1" NulE=9.6" el=76
3327 1741-038 Pointing # Col*=-0.1" NulE=3.8" el=26
3328 GLO_LAT_22.80_0.00 OTF #
3329 1749+096 Pointing # Col*=1.9" NulE=-2.4" el=26
3330 GLO_LON_43.00_-0.20 OTF #
3331 GLO_LON_43.00_-0.00 OTF #
# Observations 23/11/2020;
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5); delay 1 12
# receiver loading: ok
# start 10.9.2020; start at 16:00; 23.11.2020, 20:30
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
3729 NGC7027 Pointing # Col*=-0.4" NulE=0.9" el=78
3730 NGC7027 focus # z=-1.8mm
3731 NGC7027 Pointing # Col*=0.1" NulE=2.3" el=78
3732 NGC7027 L-pointing # Col*=-0.4" NulE=1.8" el=78
3733 1741-038 Pointing # Col*=-0.6" NulE=-2.0" el=25
3734 GLO_LAT_22.60_0.00 OTF #
3735 1749+096 Pointing # Col*=0.2" NulE=-3.6" el=27
3736 GLO_LON_43.00_0.20 OTF #
3737 1923+210 Pointing # Col*=-2.6" NulE=-7.7" el=38
3738 GLO_LON_59.00_0.60 OTF #
#Observation 22-22/11/2020
#start 29.11.2020, 17:00 - end 29.11.2020, 20:30 CEST
#firmware special: band1: 23, band2:-2
#receiver loading; s45mm; ***2phase; ok
#check on scan: specpol chan dispersion correction - ok for both bands
#start 21.11.2020, 18:00 - end 21.11.2020, 20:30
#NOTE: 1, vncviewer observer8:20; ps:
2, vncviewer observer8:30; ps:
3, ssh -Y obseff@observer8 ps:
#######setup steps#################
#1,startup: project code: 102-20; Directory: /home/obseff/ygong/
#2,specpol: (see: https://gongyan2444.github.io/specpol-setup.html)
# a, attenuation value 0.5; load special firmware False; restart** False
# wait for the Message: ”attenuation SpecPol: Attenuation has been set to 0.5”
# b, attenuation value -1 ; load special firmware True; restart** False
# wait for the Message: ”attenuation SpecPol: load firmware has finished successfully"
“delay is: 23, delay is : -2”
# c, attenuation value -1 ; load special firmware False; restart** True
# wait for the Message: “attenuation SpecPol: Programs have been restarted successfully"
#3,Secondary: receiver: s45mm; version: cband_spec_plus_zooms_plus_polarimeter_2phases; freq:6GHz; load
#4, observationClients: FeBe: s45mm-SPECPOL; BE section: 05 (BB-02 7000m FEED-01 X), zoom in the spectroscopy and press t to select the freq 6.7GHz; range: 6600-6730 MHz;
#5, pointing; focus; pointing; Lpointing;
#6, mapping 3c286: Mapping; @Cal3c286
#7, mapping target: PSwitch; @mapnew/glo_lat_59.00_0.20
#######setup finish#################
### 4464 Temp:-2.4 degree; Winds= 0.4 m/s; col*=-9.0 NulE=-10.2 Z =0.8 ####
#use project ID 102-20
# 4465 NGC7027 pointing col*=-1.0 NulE= -4.4
# 4466 NGC7027 focus Z = 1.3
# 4467 NGC7027 pointing col*= -2.6 NulE= -1.4
# 4468 NGC7027 Lpointing col*=-3.5 NulE= 0.2
# 4469 1923+210 pointing col*=-3.3 NulE=1.3
# 4470 GLO_LON_43.00_0.40 Mapping
# 4471 GLO_LON_59.00_0.80 Mapping
###end observation#####
# Observations 30/11/2020;
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5); delay 1 12
# receiver loading: ok
# start 30.11.2020; 30.11.2020
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
4622 NGC7027 Pointing # Col*=0.7" NulE=3.2" el=80
4623 NGC7027 focus # z=-0.9mm
4624 NGC7027 Pointing # Col*=1.3" NulE=1.0" el=80
4625 NGC7027 L-pointing # Col*=3.0" NulE=4.0" el=80
4626 1749+096 Pointing # Col*=2.1" NulE=2.6" el=30
4627 GLO_LON_43.00_0.60 OTF #
4628 1749+096 Pointing # Col*=0.2" NulE=-1.9" el=39
4629 GLO_LON_59.00_1.00 OTF #
4630 K3-50A Pointing # Col*=-19.6" NulE=30" el=38