# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
can,Object ,Scan ,Scan ,Obs ,Elevation ,ColS ,NulE ,zLin,
, ,type ,mode ,type, , , , ,
9143,3C286 ,POINT,OTF ,ON ,69.7 to 69.9,-10.1,-24.1,-5,
9144,3C286 ,FOCUS,SAMPLE,ON ,69.67,0.7,-20.1,-5,
9145,3C286 ,FOCUS,SAMPLE,ON ,69.56,0.7,-20.1,-6.4,
9146,3C286 ,POINT,OTF ,ON ,69.3 to 69.5,0.7,-20.1,-2.5,
9147,3C286 ,MAP ,OTF ,ON ,69.22,-0.6,-15.5,-2.5,
9148,W3OH ,POINT,OTF ,ON ,22.4 to 22.6,-0.6,-15.5,-2.5,
9149,W3OH ,ONOFF,SAMPLE,ON ,22.52,0.9,-16.9,-2.5,
9150,1741-038 ,POINT,OTF ,ON ,21.3 to 21.6,0.9,-16.9,-2.5,
9151,GLO_LAT_41.20_0.00 ,MAP ,OTF ,REF ,18.6 to 33.6,3.2,-20.3,-2.5,
9152,NGC7027 ,POINT,OTF ,ON ,37.2 to 37.5,3.2,-20.3,-2.5,
9153,NGC7027 ,POINT,OTF ,ON ,37.6 to 38.5,-2,-25.8,-2.5,
9154,NRAO530 ,POINT,OTF ,ON ,23.5 to 23.7,-2,-25.8,-2.5,
9155,GLO_LON_23.00_-0.60,MAP ,OTF ,ON ,21.2 to 29.3,-2.1,-30.3,-2.5,
9156,GLO_LON_-1.00_-1.05,MAP ,OTF ,REF ,12.3,-2.1,-30.3,-2.5,Too low elevation
9157,GLO_LON_1.00_-1.05 ,MAP ,OTF ,REF ,9.7 to 12.3 ,-2.1,-30.3,-2.5,
9158,GLO_LON_1.00_-0.85 ,MAP ,OTF ,ON ,8.8 to 11.9 ,-2.1,-30.3,-2.5,
9159,NRAO530 ,POINT,OTF ,ON ,23.9 to 24.1,-2.1,-30.3,-2.5,
9160,GLO_LON_23.00_-0.40,MAP ,OTF ,ON ,26.2 to 31.3,-7.6,-28.1,-2.5,
9161,GLO_LON_23.00_-0.20,MAP ,OTF ,REF ,19.7 to 28.0,-7.6,-28.1,-2.5,
9253,3C286 ,POINT,OTF ,ON ,69.8 to 70.0,-0.3,-3.2,-2.5,No power issue
9254,3C286 ,POINT,OTF ,ON ,69.7 to 69.9,-0.3,-3.2,-2.5,
9255,3C286 ,POINT,OTF ,ON ,69.6 to 69.8,-1.5,-2.9,-2.5,
9256,3C286 ,FOCUS,SAMPLE,ON ,69.65,-1.4,-2.4,-2.5,
9257,3C286 ,POINT,OTF ,ON ,69.4 to 69.6,-1.4,-2.4,-2.4,
9258,3C286 ,MAP ,OTF ,ON ,69.35,-0.4,-0.9,-2.4,
9259,W3OH ,POINT,OTF ,ON ,22.5 to 22.7,-0.4,-0.9,-2.4,
9260,W3OH ,ONOFF,SAMPLE,REF ,22.54,3.4,2.5,-2.4,
9261,1741-038 ,POINT,OTF ,ON ,20.8 to 21.0,3.4,2.5,-2.4,
9262,GLO_LON_41.00_1.00 ,MAP ,OTF ,ON ,19.4 to 33.4,2.9,-3.3,-2.4,
9263,GLO_LAT_41.40_0.00 ,MAP ,OTF ,ON ,29.6 to 42.8,2.9,-3.3,-2.4,
9264,NRAO530 ,POINT,OTF ,ON ,26.0 to 26.1,2.9,-3.3,-2.4,
9265,GLO_LON_1.00_-0.75 ,MAP ,OTF ,REF ,9.4 to 12.3 ,-4.2,-11.8,-2.4,
9266,GLO_LON_1.00_-0.65 ,MAP ,OTF ,REF ,9.7 to 12.3 ,-4.2,-11.8,-2.4,
9267,NGC7027 ,POINT,OTF ,ON ,61.9 to 62.2,-4.2,-11.8,-2.4,
9268,NGC7027 ,POINT,OTF ,ON ,62.4 to 63.3,3.8,-10.3,-2.4,
9269,GLO_LON_59.00_1.00 ,MAP ,OTF ,REF ,61.28,3.8,-10.3,-2.4,Canceled because poiting was not done before.
9270,1923+210 ,POINT,OTF ,ON ,59.6 to 59.8,3.8,-10.3,-2.4,
9271,GLO_LON_59.00_1.00 ,MAP ,OTF ,ON ,60.7 to 64.1,-4.8,-8.5,-2.4,
9272,1749+096 ,POINT,OTF ,ON ,40.0 to 40.3,-4.8,-8.5,-2.4,
9273,GLO_LAT_41.60_0.00 ,MAP ,OTF ,ON ,39.0 to 46.2,1.9,-3.5,-2.4,
9274,W3OH ,POINT,OTF ,ON ,49.7 to 49.9,1.9,-3.5,-2.4,
9275,W3OH ,ONOFF,SAMPLE,ON ,50.1 to 50.6,-1.6,-3.3,-2.4,
#Observation 06-07/05/2021
#start 06.05.2020, 12:00pm - end 07.05.2020, 08:00 CEST
#firmware special: band1: 22, band2:-3
#receiver loading; s45mm; ***2phase; ok
#check on scan: specpol chan dispersion correction - ok for both bands
#start 06.05.2020, 12:00pm - end 07.05.2020, 08:00 CEST
#######setup steps#################
#1,startup: project code: 102-20; Directory: /home/obseff/ygong/
#2,specpol: (see: https://gongyan2444.github.io/specpol-setup.html)
# a, attenuation value 0.5; load special firmware False; restart** False
# wait for the Message: ”attenuation SpecPol: Attenuation has been set to 0.5”
# b, attenuation value -1 ; load special firmware True; restart** False
# wait for the Message: ”attenuation SpecPol: load firmware has finished successfully"
“delay is: 22, delay is : -3”
# c, attenuation value -1 ; load special firmware False; restart** True
# wait for the Message: “attenuation SpecPol: Programs have been restarted successfully"
#3,Secondary: receiver: s45mm; version: cband_spec_plus_zooms_plus_polarimeter_2phases; freq:6GHz; load
#4, observationClients: FeBe: s45mm-SPECPOL; BE section: 05 (BB-02 7000m FEED-01 X), zoom in the spectroscopy and press t to select the freq 6.7GHz; range: 6600-6730 MHz;
#5, pointing; focus; pointing; Lpointing;
#6, mapping 3c286: Mapping; @Cal3c286
#7, mapping target: PSwitch; @mapnew/glo_lat_59.00_0.20; @GC/glo_lat_1.00_-0.75
#8, W3OH: 1, pointing W3OH first; 2,W3OH_PSw
#observation from home: https://gongyan2444.github.io/vncsetup.html
#######setup finish#################
### 9364 Temp:3.7 degree; Winds= 2.2 m/s; col*=-9.0; NulE=-0.1; Z =-1.3; ####
#use project ID 102-20
# 9365 3C286 pointing col*= 0.7 NulE= 0.7
# 9366 3C286 focus Z = -1.7
# 9367 3C286 pointing col*= 0.4 NulE= 1.4
# 9368 3C286 Lpointing col*= -0.7 NulE=2.7
# 9369 3C286 OTF map
# 9370 1741-038 pointing cancel to W3OH
# 9371 W3OH pointing col*= 1.4 NulE=0.7
# 9372 W3OH pswitch/on-off
# 9373 1741-038 pointing col*= 3.7 NulE= 6.5
# 9374 glo_lat_41.80_0.00 map
# 9375 NRAO530 pointing col*=0.0 NulE=-4.7
# 9376 @mapnew/glo_lon_23.00_-0.00 Mapping
# 9377 @GC/glo_lon_-1.00_-0.95 Mapping stop
# 9378 @GC/glo_lon_-1.00_-0.95 Mapping stop and retry (yellow in the queue)
# 9379 @GC/glo_lon_-1.00_-0.95 Mapping cancelled it as too low (red in the queue)
# 9380 @GC/glo_lon_-1.00_-0.85 Mapping
# 9381 @GC/glo_lon_-1.00_-0.75 Mapping 4subscans then cancelled as too low (red in the queue)
# 9382 @GC/glo_lon_1.00_-0.55 Mapping
# 9383 NRAO530 pointing col*=-9.3 NulE=-7.2
# 9384 @mapnew/glo_lon_23.00_0.20 Mapping
# 9385 @mapnew/glo_lon_23.00_0.40 Mapping
# 9386 NGC7027 pointing col*=-0.8 NulE= 3.3
# 9387 NGC7027 Lpointing cancelled
##Alex add the Lpointing on the project ID test ####
# 9394 NGC7027 Lpointing col*=1.8 NulE= 2.0
###end observation#####
# Observations by Rohit
# From 24.05.2021 23:00 to 25.05.2021 08:00
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in OBSINP (attenuation 0.5); delay -1 and 22
# wind ~5 m/s
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6618-6718 MHz
1205 3C286 Pointing # el=69 Col*=0.5" NulE=-0.2"
1206 3C286 Focus # zlin=-1.9
1207 3C286 Pointing # el=69 Col*=-2.1" NulE=-0.3"
1208 3C286 L-Pointing # el=69 Col*=3.1" NulE=-0.7"
1209 3C286 Calmap # el=69
1210 W3OH Pointing # el=22 Col*=-4.5" NulE=1.3"
1211 W3OH ONOFF # el=22
1212 NGC7027 Pointing # el=27 Col*=1.8" NulE=-3.2"
1213 NGC7027 L-Pointing # el=28 Col*=-2.6" NulE=-3.3"
1214 1741-038 Pointing # el=27 Col*=5.8" NulE=-4.7"
1215 GLO_LON_41.00_0.80 OTF # el=23-32
1216 OFF_38.0_-4.0 OTF # el=29 (script from Michael)
1217 NRAO530 Pointing # el=24 Col*=-2.4" NulE=-8.8"
1218 GLO_LON_1.00_-0.15 OTF # el=10
1219 GLO_LON_1.00_-0.25 OTF # el=10
1220 GLO_LON_1.00_0.25 OTF # el=11
1221 NRAO530 Pointing # el=25 Col*=-7.2" NulE=-7.1"
1222 GLO_LON_23.00_0.60 OTF # el=30
1223 GLO_LON_23.00_0.80 OTF # el=29-24
1224 1749+096 Pointing # el=32 Col*=-1.2" NulE=-6.3"
1225 GLO_LON_41.00_0.60 OTF # el=39-32
1226 W3OH Pointing # el=57 Col*=-0.5" NulE=0.8"
1227 W3OH ONOFF # el=57
# Observations by Rohit
# From 25.05.2021 23:00 to 26.05.2021 07:45
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in OBSINP (attenuation 0.5); delay 21 and 22
# wind ~5 m/s
# Some problems initially (scans 1331-1334) with data collection / online plotter
# Rain from 02.30, but continued observations
1335 3C286 Pointing # el=69 Col*=0.2" NulE=6.4"
1336 3C286 Focus # zlin=-2.0
1337 3C286 Pointing # el=68 Col*=0.6" NulE=6.1"
1338 3C286 Pointing # el=68 Col*=0.3" NulE=7.2"
1339 3C286 Calmap # el=67
1340 W3OH Pointing # el=22 Col*=2.0" NulE=3.3"
1341 W3OH ONOFF # el=22
1342 NGC7027 Pointing # el=29 Col*=-0.9" NulE=-4.9"
1343 NGC7027 L-Pointing # el=30 Col*=-4.7" NulE=-5.9"
1344 1741-038 Pointing # el=26 Col*=4.8" NulE=0.3"
1345 GLO_LAT_40.80_0.00 OTF # el=24-38
1346 NRAO530 Pointing # el=25 Col*=-3.2" NulE=-9.0"
1347 GLO_LON_1.00_0.35 OTF # el=10
1348 GLO_LON_1.00_-0.35 OTF # el=11
1349 GLO_LON_1.00_-0.45 OTF # el=10
1350 1741-038 Pointing # el=35 Col*=-5.3" NulE=-2.4"
1351 GLO_LON_23.00_1.00 OTF # el=30
1352 1749+096 Pointing # el=42 Col*=-5.0" NulE="-4.2
1353 GLO_LAT_40.60_0.00 OTF # el=41-47
1354 GLO_LAT_40.40_0.00 OTF # el=31-41
1355 NGC7027 Pointing # el=74 Col*=-3.1" NulE=0.9"
1356 NGC7027 L-Pointing # el=74