# Observations 07/07/2021;
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5); delay 3,10
# receiver loading: ok
# start 07.07.2021; start at 22:00; end 08.07.2021, 8:00;
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
3945 3C286 Pointing # Col*=-4.9" NulE=-26.6" el=60
3946 3C286 Focus # z=-3.5mm
3947 3C286 Pointing # Col*=-5.0" NulE=-25.3" el=59
3948 3C286 L-Pointing # Col*=-5.6" NulE=-22.9" el=56
3949 3C286 Calmap #
3950 NRAO530 Pointing # Col*=-11.3" NulE=-32.9" el=41
3951 OFF_20.0_-4.0 Onoff #
3952 GLO_LON_1.00_0.65 OTF #
3953 GLO_LON_-1.00_-0.65 OTF # stopped
3954 GLO_LON_-1.00_-0.65 OTF # stopped
3955 GLO_LON_-1.00_-0.55 OTF # stopped
3956 GLO_LON_-1.00_0.25 OTF #
3957 GLO_LON_-1.00_0.35 OTF #
3958 GLO_LON_-1.00_0.45 OTF # two low
3959 1741-038 Pointing # Col*=-8.7" NulE=-31.5" el=34
3960 OFF_20.0_-4.0 ONOFF #
3961 GLO_LON_33.00_-0.90 OTF #
3962 GLO_LON_33.00_-0.70 OTF #
3963 1741-038 Pointing # Col*=0.4" NulE=-36.4" el=34
3964 GLO_LON_33.00_0.90 OTF #
3965 GLO_LON_33.00_0.70 OTF #
3966 NGC7027 Pointing # Col*=-1.3" NulE=-31.8" el=60
3967 NGC7027 focus # z=-2.1mm
3968 NGC7027 Pointing # Col*=-0.9" NulE=-31.2" el=58
3969 NGC7027 L-Pointing # Col*=-3.3" NulE=-30.9" el=54
3970 GLO_LON_81.50_0.75 OTF #
3971 W3OH Pointing # Col*=-2.7" NulE=-24.3" el=74.7
3972 W3OH Onoff # shape ok
# Observations 07/07/2021;
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5); delay 3,10
# receiver loading: ok
# start 07.07.2021; start at 22:00; end 08.07.2021, 8:00;
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
4031 3C286 Pointing # Col*=-2.1" NulE=-22.3" el=63
4032 3C286 Focus # z=-1.9mm
4033 3C286 Pointing # Col*=-2.6" NulE=-20.2" el=62
4034 3C286 L-Pointing # Col*=-3.8" NulE=-19.9" el=61
4035 3C286 Calmap #
4036 1741-038 Pointing # Col*=-3.3" NulE=-21.1" el=26
4037 GLO_LON_33.00_0.30 OTF #
4038 NRAO530 Pointing # Col*=-2.0" NulE=-24.9" el=26
4039 GLO_LON_-1.00_-0.65 OTF # stopped
4040 GLO_LON_-1.00_-0.25 OTF #
4041 GLO_LON_-1.00_0.45 OTF #
4042 GLO_LON_1.00_0.45 OTF #
4043 1741-038 Pointing # Col*=-9.8" NulE=-21.1" el=41
4044 GLO_LON_33.00_0.50 OTF #
4045 GLO_LAT_40.20_0.00 OTF #
4046 1749+096 Pointing # Col*=3.6" NulE=-23.9" el=30
4047 GLO_LAT_40.00_0.00 OTF #
4048 GLO_LON_41.00_-1.00 OTF #
4049 1923+210 Pointing # Col*=2.6" NulE=-26.9" el=29
4050 GLO_LAT_56.00_0.00 OTF #
# Observations 12/07/2021; Rugel
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5); delay -3,22
# receiver loading:
# start 12.07.2021; start at 20:00; end: 1:30 (b/c of rain)
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
4424 3C286 Pointing # Col*=-2.3" NulE=-14.5" el=69deg
4425 3C286 Focus # zlin=-1.6mm
4426 3C286 Pointing # Col*=-1.9" NulE=-12.7" el=69deg
4427 3C286 L-Pointing # Col*=-2.1" NulE=-14.3" el=69deg
4428 3C286 Calmap # Cal3C286v2: 90"/sec; 30" spacing
4429 W3OH Pointing # Col*=0.8" NulE=-26.2" el=22deg
4430 W3OH ONOFF # el=22
4431 NGC7027 Pointing # Col*=-6.6" NulE=-26.1" el=30deg
4432 NGC7027 L-Pointing # el=30deg
4433 1923+210 Pointing # Col*=-9.1" NulE=-27.2" el=31
4434 GLO_LON_41.00_0.20 OTF # el=25-40deg
4435 NRAO530 OTF # Col*=-1.6" NulE=-23.6" el=25
4436 OFF_20.0_4.0 ONOFF # l=20d, b=4.0d; REF: 20.0d, 8.0d, el=26'; CONTAMINATED
4437 GLO_LON_-1.00_0.55 OTF # el=8-12
4438 GLO_LON_-0.95_-1.05 OTF # el=8-12 (rain?)
4440 GLO_LON_1.00_0.65 OTF # failed (rain)
4441 OFF_21.0_-3.0 ONOFF # l=21d, b=3.0d; REF: 19.7d, -7.9d; CLEAR (rain)
4442 3C295 ONOFF # longitude; 30''spacing, 90''/sec speed (rain)
4443 3C295 ONOFF # latitude; 30''spacing, 90''/sec speed (rain)
#Observation 19-20/07/2021; Aiyuan Yang
#start 19.07.2020, ~18:00 - end 20.07.2021, 01:20 CEST
#firmware special: band1: 21, band2:-2
#receiver loading; s45mm; ***2phase; ok
#check on scan: specpol chan dispersion correction - ok for both bands
#start 21.11.2020, 18:00 - end 21.11.2020, 20:30
#######setup steps#################
#1,startup: project code: 102-20; Directory: /home/obseff/ygong/
#2,specpol: 1, attenuation value 0.5; load special firmware False; restart** False
# 2, attenuation value -1 ; load special firmware True; restart** False
# 3, wait for the load firmware successfully and delay,
# 4, attenuation value -1 ; load special firmware False; restart** True
# 5, wait for the restarted successfully
#3,Secondary: receiver: s45mm; version: cband_spec_plus_zooms_plus_polarimeter_2phases; freq:6GHz; load
#4, pointing; focus; pointing; Lpointing;
#5, observationClients: FeBe: s45mm-SPECPOL; BE section: 05 (BB-02 7000m FEED-01 X), zoom in the spectroscopy and press t to select the freq 6.7GHz; range: 6600-6730 MHz;
#6, mapping 3c286: Mapping; @Cal3c286v2
#7, mapping target: PSwitch; @mapnew/glo_lat_59.00_0.20
#######setup finish#################
Resume observations after the heavy rain
today, setup by Yan;
# strong attenuation in SPECPOL bb2; spikes but data fine#
### 4588 Temp:16.8; Winds=1.8m/s; col*=-3.1; NulE=5.5; Z = -1.4####
####TEST SCAN####
# 4585 3C286 Pointing
# 4586 3C286 focus z=-1.4mm
# 4587 3C286 Pointing
# 4588 3C286 L-poinging
# 4589 3C286 pointing col*=-0.4 NulE=10.0
# 4590 3C286@Cal3c286v2 CalMap
# 4591 3C286@Cal3c286v2 CalMap
# 4592 W3OH pointing col*=4.1 NulE=0.7
# 4593 W3OH ONOFF
# 4594 3C286 pointing col*=-1.2 NulE=1.9
# 4595 3C286 Mapping
# 4596 2021+614 pointing col*=-3.0 NulE=3.4
# 4597 S140IRS1 ONOFF
# 4598 2013+37 pointing col*=-3.2 NulE=-3.3
# 4599 GLO_LON_81.50_1.45 Mapping
# 4600 1741-038 pointing col*=-0.4 NulE=2.0
# 4601 GLO_LON_41.00_-0.80 Mapping
# 4602 NGC7027 pointing col*=-2.4 NulE=-10.1
# 4603 NGC7027 focus Z = -3.8
# 4604 NGC7027 pointing col*=-3.7 NulE=-10.0
# 4605 NGC7027 Lpointing col*=-6.0 NulE=-10.7
# 4606 NRAO530 pointing col*=-6.6 NulE=-9.3
# 4607 GLO_LON_1.00_0.55 Mapping
# 4608 GLO_LON_-0.95_-0.35 Mapping #NOTES: start~17:40 LST; Elev~9.5->9.5
# 4609 GLO_LON_1.00_0.65 Mapping #stop at scans 17 at Elev =10.1; operator restart the Fitswriter as it does not work any more; the elevation also tends red at the same time.
# 4610 GLO_LON_1.00_0.65 Mapping #stop at scans 17/20 at Elev =10.1
# 4611 1741-038 pointing #Focus does not move.
# 4612 1741-038 pointing #Again, Focus-Problems.
# 4613 1741-038 pointing #Again, Focus-Problems.
# 4614 1741-038 pointing #Focus does not respond, operator try something manually to fix it.
##observation stops here as focus problem, suggested by operator.
#Observation 20-21/07/2021 Aiyuan Yang
#start 20.07.2020, 19:00 - end 21.07.2021, 05:30 CEST
#firmware special: band1: 21, band2:22
#receiver loading; s45mm; ***2phase; ok
#check on scan: specpol chan dispersion correction - ok for both bands
#start 20.07.2021, 18:00 - end 21.07.2021,
#######setup steps#################
#1,startup: project code: 102-20; Directory: /home/obseff/ygong/
#2,specpol: 1, attenuation value 0.5; load special firmware False; restart** False
# 2, attenuation value -1 ; load special firmware True; restart** False
# 3, wait for the load firmware successfully and delay,
# 4, attenuation value -1 ; load special firmware False; restart** True
# 5, wait for the restarted successfully
#3,Secondary: receiver: s45mm; version: cband_spec_plus_zooms_plus_polarimeter_2phases; freq:6GHz; load
#4, pointing; focus; pointing; Lpointing;
#5, observationClients: FeBe: s45mm-SPECPOL; BE section: 05 (BB-02 7000m FEED-01 X), zoom in the spectroscopy and press t to select the freq 6.7GHz; range: 6600-6730 MHz;
#6, mapping 3c286: Mapping; @Cal3c286v2
#7, mapping target: PSwitch; @mapnew/glo_lat_59.00_0.20
#, connect to 100m:
#######setup finish#################
today, setup by Yan;
# strong attenuation in SPECPOL bb2; spikes but data fine
### 4614 Temp:19.1; Winds=0.9m/s; col*=-6.6; NulE=-9.3; Z = -3.8####
#### SCAN by the operator prior to the GLOSTAR observtions####
# 4615 3C286 pointing col*=-6.6 NulE=-9.3
# 4616 3C286 focus Z = 2.2
# 4617 3C286 pointing col*= 5.5 NulE=-7.9
# 4618 3C286 pointing col*= 7.3 NulE=-5.9
# 4619 3C286 pointing col*=8.4 NulE=-5.1
# 4620 3C286 pointing col*=6.6 NulE=-1.9
# 4621 3C286 focus Z = -2.4
# 4622 3C286 pointing col*=6.4 NulE=-0.4
# 4623 3C286 Lpointing col*=6.8 NulE=1.4
# 4624 3C286@Cal3c286 Mapping
# 4625 W3OH pointing col*=7.2 NulE=-1.7
# 4626 W3OH ONOFF
# 4627 2013+37 pointing col*=-1.7 NulE=-8.3
# 4628 GLO_LON_81.50_1.35 Mapping
# 4629 GLO_LON_81.50_1.25 Mapping
# 4630 NGC7027 pointing col*=-1.4 NulE=-6.5
# 4631 NGC7027 focus Z = -4.0
# 4632 NGC7027 pointing col*=-3.2 NulE=-9.6
# 4633 NGC7027 Lpointing col*=-6.1 NulE=-6.9
# 4634 NRAO530 pointing col*= -6.4 NulE= -10
# 4635 GLO_LON_1.00_0.65 Mapping
# 4636 NRAO530 pointing col*= -11.7 NulE= -17.2
# 4637 NRAO530 focus Z = -5.2
# 4638 NRAO530 pointing col*= -10.3 NulE= -19.2
# 4639 NRAO530 pointing col*= -10.9 NulE= -18.1
# 4640 NRAO530 pointing col*= -12.1 NulE= -17.4
# 4641 GLO_LON_-0.95_-0.45 Mapping #NOTES: start~17:15 LST; Elev~9.2-9.5
# 4642 GLO_LON_-1.00_0.65 Mapping #stop: LST: 18:34; UTC: 22:10;
# 4643 1741-038 pointing col*= -10.8 NulE= -10.9
# 4644 GLO_LON_41.00_-0.60 Mapping
# 4645 GLO_LON_41.00_-0.40 Mapping
# 4646 GLO_LON_41.00_-0.20 Mapping
# 4647 1923+210 pointing col*=0.6 NulE= -71.3
###cancel scans 4648-4649 and 4651 as we need to redo the pointing
# 4650 1923+210 pointing col*= 4.5 NulE= -12.3
# 4652 GLO_LON_57.00_-0.00 Mapping # cancel
# 4653 1923+210 pointing col*=2.4 NulE=-12.2
# 4654 GLO_LON_57.00_-0.00 Mapping
# 4655 2013+37 pointing col*=0.2 NulE= -15.4
# 4656 GLO_LON_81.50_1.15 Mapping
# 4657 GLO_LON_81.50_1.05 Mapping
# 4658 3C128 pointing col*=-1.7 NulE= -3.1
# 4659 3C128 focus Z =0.1
# 4660 3C128 pointing col*=-4.1 NulE=-5.1
##observation finish here##
#Observation 22-23/07/2021
#start 19.07.2020, ~18:00 - end 20.07.2021, 01:20 CEST
#firmware special: band1: -3, band2:22
#receiver loading; s45mm; ***2phase; ok
#check on scan: specpol chan dispersion correction - ok for both bands
#start 22.07.2020, 19:00 - end 23.07.2020, 8:00
# strong attenuation in SPECPOL bb2; spikes but data fine
#######setup steps#################
# 4813 3C286 Pointing col*=-6.2 NulE=2.2
# 4814 3C286 focus z=-1.5mm
# 4815 3C286 Pointing col*=-5.8 NulE=4.1
# 4816 3C286 L-pointing col*=-7.7 NulE=5.1
# 4817 3C286 CalMap
# 4818 W3OH pointing col*=0.8 NulE=-4.5
# 4819 W3OH Onoff
# 4820 2013+37 Pointing col*=-1.4 NulE=0.5
# 4821 GLO_LON_81.50_0.95 OTF
# 4822 1741-038 Pointing col*=-5.9 NulE=3.0
# 4823 GLO_LON_43.00_-0.40 OTF stopped due to mapping diaster overview
# 4824 NGC7027 Pointing col*=-1.5 NulE=2.0
# 4825 NGC7027 focus z=-2.6
# 4826 NGC7027 Pointing col*=-3.8 NulE=1.0
# 4827 NGC7027 L-pointing col*=-6.3 NulE=-0.7
# 4828 NRAO530 Pointing col*=-6.8 NulE=-2.6
# 4829 GLO_LON_-0.95_-0.55 OTF
# 4830 GLO_LON_-1.00_0.95 OTF # stopped
# 4831 NRAO530 Pointing col*=-13.1 NulE=-7.8
# 4832 GLO_LAT_18.00_0.00 OTF
# 4833 GLO_LAT_18.20_0.00 OTF
# 4834 1749+096 Pointing col*=-4.3 NulE=-11.5
# 4835 GLO_LON_41.00_-0.00 OTF
# 4836 GLO_LON_41.00_0.40 OTF
# 4837 1923+210 Pointing col*=-1.8 NulE=-15.0
# 4838 GLO_LON_57.00_-0.20 OTF Fitswriter issue
# 4839 GLO_LON_57.00_-0.20 OTF Fitswriter issue
# 4840 NGC7027 Pointing col*=-1.3 NulE=-13.8
# 4841 NGC7027 focus z=-2.6
# 4842 NGC7027 Pointing col*=-1.7 NulE=-13.0
# 4843 NGC7027 L-Pointing col*=-3.8 NulE=-12.6
# 4844 3C138 Pointing col*=-1.0 NulE=-9.3
# 4845-4848 Crab Onoff
# 4849 G174 Onoff test FFTS; Fine
# 4850-4852 Crab Onoff
# Observations on the night of 23/07/2021
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5); delay -2 and 23
# receiver loading: ok
# From 23.07.2021 11:00 to 24.07.2021 08:00 (recover from the electronic issue)
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
# strong attenuation in SPECPOL bb2; spikes but data fine
4866 3C286 Pointing # el=53 Col*=-3.9" NulE=16.9"
4867 3C286 Focus # zlin=-3.7
4868 3C286 Pointing # el=52 Col*=-4.4" NulE=17.2"
4869 3C286 L-Pointing # el=52 Col*=-5.3" NulE=18.0"
4870 NRAO530 Pointing # el=25 Col*=-5.3" NulE=18.0"
4871 NRAO530 Pointing # el=25 Col*=-13.3" NulE=9.6"
4872 NRAO530 Pointing # el=25 Col*=-13.6" NulE=8.4"
4874 GLO_LON_-0.95_-0.75 OTF # stopped due to the low elevation
4875 OFF_4.0_-3.0 Onoff
4876 GLO_LON_-0.95_-0.75 OTF
4877 NRAO530 Pointing # el=25 Col*=-16.4" NulE=4.1"
4878 GLO_LAT_18.40_0.00 OTF
4879 GLO_LAT_18.60_0.00 OTF
4880 1741-038 Pointing # el=23 Col*=-4.7" NulE=-0.4"
4881 GLO_LON_33.00_-0.30 OTF #
4882 1749+096 Pointing # el=25 Col*=1.0" NulE=4.3"
4883 GLO_LON_43.00_-0.40 OTF #
4884 1923+210 Pointing # el=36 Col*=-1.6" NulE=6.1"
4885 GLO_LON_57.00_-0.20 OTF
4886 GLO_LON_57.00_-0.60 OTF
4887 NGC7027 Pointing # el=41 Col*=1.9" NulE=8.0"
4888 NGC7027 focus # z=-0.9mm
4889 NGC7027 Pointing # el=41 Col*=1.7" NulE=7.0"
4890 NGC7027 L-Pointing # el=41 Col*=-0.5" NulE=8.5"
4891 GLO_LON_81.50_0.85 OTF
4892 W3OH Pointing # el=77 Col*=-1.3" NulE=15.2"
4893 W3OH Onoff
#Observation 29-30/07/2021
#firmware special: band1: -3, band2:21
#receiver loading; s45mm; ***2phase; ok
#check on scan: specpol chan dispersion correction - ok for both bands
#start 29.07.2020, 22:00 - end 30.07.2020, 7:30
# strong attenuation in SPECPOL bb2; spikes but data fine
#######setup steps#################
# 5490 3C286 Pointing col*=-4.2 NulE=-21.4
# 5491 3C286 focus z=-3.7mm
# 5492 3C286 Pointing col*=-3.9 NulE=-22.2
# 5493 NRAO530 pointing col*=-10.6 NulE=-25.4
# 5494 GLO_LON_-0.95_-0.65 OTF
# 5495 GLO_LON_-1.00_0.95 OTF
# 5496 NRAO530 Pointing col*=-12.2 NulE=-29.7
# 5497 GLO_LAT_18.80_0.00 OTF
# 5498 GLO_LAT_20.00_0.00 OTF
# 5499 1741-038 Pointing col*=-2.4 NulE=-41?
# 5500 GLO_LON_35.00_-0.10 OTF
# 5501 GLO_LON_35.00_0.10 OTF
# 5502 1923+210 Pointing col*=-2.4 NulE=-33.8
# 5503 GLO_LON_57.00_0.20 OTF
# 5504 GLO_LON_57.00_-0.40 OTF stopped due to the fitswritter issue
# 5507 NGC7027 Pointing col*=-0.9 NulE=-27.1
# 5508 NGC7027 focus z=-0.6
# 5509 NGC7027 pointing col*=-1.2 NulE=-25.9
# 5510 NGC7027 L-Pointing col*=-4.7 NulE=-25.7
# 5511 GLO_LON_78.50_-0.95 OTF