# Observations 09/06/2022; Gong
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5); delay 21,0
# receiver loading: ok
# note: adjust/adjfit -- fine
# start 08.06.2022; start at 23:30; end 09.06.2022, 7:30;
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
6029 3C286 Pointing # Col*=-0.9" NulE=-0.2" el=64
6030 3C286 Focus # z=-2.1mm
6031 3C286 Pointing # Col*=-0.5" NulE=-0.5" el=62
6032 3C286 CalMap #
6033 1741-038 Pointing # Col*=1.1" NulE=3.6" el=30
6034 GLO_LAT_38.00_0.00 OTF #
6035 NRAO530 Pointing # Col*=-1.1" NulE=-5.1" el=13
6036 GLO_LON_3.00_0.65 OTF #
6037 GLO_LON_3.00_0.75 OTF #
6038 GLO_LON_3.00_0.85 OTF #
6039 GLO_LON_3.00_0.95 OTF #
6040 GLO_LON_3.00_1.05 OTF #
6041 1749+096 Pointing # Col*=-1.4" NulE=-4.0" el=38
6042 GLO_LON_15.00_-0.05 OTF #
6043 GLO_LON_15.00_0.05 OTF #
6044 GLO_LON_15.00_0.15 OTF #
6045 GLO_LON_15.00_0.25 OTF #
6046 1741-038 pointing # Col*=6.9" NulE=-0.9" el=33
6047 GLO_LAT_38.20_0.00 OTF #
6048 GLO_LAT_38.40_0.00 OTF #
6049 NGC7027 pointing # Col*=0.4" NulE=-1.6" el=62
6050 NGC7027 focus # z=1.0
6051 NGC7027 Pointing # Col*=-1.2" NulE=-0.2" el=61
6052 NGC7027 L-pointing # Col*=-1.8" NulE=0.7" el=55
6053 W75NGAL Onoff # OK
# Observations 20/06/2022; Gong
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5); delay -3,-2
# receiver loading: ok
# note: adjust/adjfit -- fine
# start 20.06.2022; start at 00:00; end 20.06.2022, 7:30;
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
6923 3C286 Pointing # Col*=0.7" NulE=-15.5" el=50
6924 3C286 Focus # z=-2.8mm
6925 3C286 Pointing # stopped for unknown reasons, repeat
6926 3C286 Pointing # stopped for unknown reasons, repeat
6927 3C286 Pointing # Col*=0.7" NulE=-18" el=49
6928 3C286 L-Pointing # Col*=-0.2" NulE=-17.3" el=48
6929 3C286 CalMap #
6930 NRAO530 Pointing # Col*=-3.4" NulE=-12.9" el=26
6931 GLO_LAT_2.85_0.00 OTF #
6932 GLO_LAT_2.95_0.00 OTF #
6933 GLO_LAT_4.15_0.00 OTF # Stopped, thunderstorm
# Observations 20/06/2022; Gong
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5); delay 21,22
# receiver loading: ok
# note: adjust/adjfit -- fine
# start 20.06.2022; start at 21:00; end 21.06.2022, 7:30;
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
# first setup failed, restart and then it is working.
7002 3C286 Pointing # Col*=-0.3" NulE=5.6" el=69
7003 3C286 focus # z =-2.7
7004 3C286 pointing # Col*=0.8" NulE=5.4" el=69
7005 3C286 L-pointing # Col*=0.1" NulE=6.9" el=69
7006 3C286 CalMapv2 #
7007 3C286 CalMapv2_lat#
7008 1923+210 Pointing # Col*=-1.1" NulE=-1.1" el=26
7009 GLO_LAT_56.20_0.00 OTF #
7010 NRAO530 pointing # repeat for the rise of G15
7011 NRAO530 pointing # repeat for the rise of G15
7012 NRAO530 pointing # repeat for the rise of G15
7013 NRAO530 pointing # Col*=-6.7" NulE=-7.0" el=22
7014 GLO_LON_15.00_0.35 OTF #
7015 GLO_LAT_4.15_0.00 OTF #
7016 GLO_LAT_4.25_0.00 OTF #
7017 GLO_LAT_4.35_0.00 OTF #
7018 GLO_LAT_4.45_0.00 OTF #
7019 NRAO530 pointing # Col*=-6.6" NulE=-9.4" el=25
7020 GLO_LAT_4.55_0.00 OTF #
7021 GLO_LAT_15.00_0.45 OTF #
7022 GLO_LAT_15.00_0.55 OTF #
7023 GLO_LAT_15.00_0.65 OTF #
7024 1741-038 pointing # Col*=-0.9" NulE=-15.3" el=24
7025 GLO_LON_37.00_0.80 OTF #
7026 GLO_LON_37.00_1.00 OTF #
7027 GLO_LAT_38.60_0.00 OTF #
7028 NGC7027 Pointing # Col*=0.7" NulE=3.4" el=58
7029 NGC7027 focus # z =2.5
7030 NGC7027 pointing # Col*=-1.3" NulE=3.7" el=58
7031 NGC7027 L-pointing # Col*=1.8" NulE=5.0" el=58
7032 W75NGAL Onoff # shape ok
# Observations 27/06/2022; Gong
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5); delay -3,24
# receiver loading: ok
# note: adjust/adjfit -- fine
# start 27.06.2022; start at 23:00; end 28.06.2022, 7:30;
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
7764 3C286 Pointing # Col*=-3.4" NulE=-7.4" el=54
7765 3C286 focus # z =-3.8
7766 3C286 pointing # Col*=-1.4" NulE=-6.4" el=54
7767 3C286 L-pointing # Col*=-4.7" NulE=-4.7" el=54
7768 NRAO530 pointing # Col*=-10.0" NulE=-9.4" el=24
7769 GLO_LAT_14.15_0.00 OTF #
7770 GLO_LAT_4.65_0.00 OTF #
7771 GLO_LAT_4.75_0.00 OTF #
7772 GLO_LAT_4.85_0.00 OTF #
7773 NRAO530 pointing # Col*=-9.8" NulE=-7.3" el=30
7774 GLO_LAT_4.95_0.00 OTF #
7775 GLO_LAT_15.00_0.75 OTF #
7776 GLO_LAT_15.00_0.85 OTF #
7777 GLO_LAT_15.00_0.95 OTF #
7778 GLO_LAT_15.00_1.05 OTF # elevation too low?
7779 1749+096 pointing # Col*=1.3" NulE=-8.6" el=30
7780 GLO_LAT_38.80_0.00 OTF #
7781 GLO_LAT_39.00_0.00 OTF #
7782 1923+210 pointing # Col*=2.0" NulE=-9.7" el=30
7783 GLO_LAT_56.40_0.00 OTF #
7784 NGC7027 Pointing # Col*=-1.0" NulE=4.2" el=53
7785 NGC7027 focus # z =2.5
7786 NGC7027 pointing # Col*=-1.3" NulE=4.2" el=53
7787 NGC7027 L-pointing # Col*=-2.5" NulE=5.5" el=53
7788 W75NGAL Onoff # shape ok
# Observations 28/06/2022; Rugel
# start 28/06/2022,21:00 - end 29/06/2022, 3:00 (observations stopped due to WFFTS failure)
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5); delay -1,24
# receiver loading: ok
# note: checked specpol on scan 7816 with toolbox2 adjust/adjfit
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
7816 3C286 Pointing # Col*=1.2" NulE=10.3" el=68deg
7817 3C286 Focus # zlin=-2.3mm
7818 3C286 Pointing # Col*=1.3" NulE=12.1" el=68deg
7819 3C286 L-Pointing # Col*=1.9" NulE=12.5" el=68deg
7820 3C286 Calmap # Cal3C286v2: 90"/sec; 30" spacing
7821 2013+37 Pointing # Col*=0.5" NulE=7.3" el=31deg
7822 W75NGAL ONOFF # ok
7823 1741-038 Pointing # aborted
7824 1923+210 Pointing # Col*=2.0" NulE=9.0" el=30deg
7825 GLO_LAT_53.20_0.00 OTF # el = 23deg
7826 NRAO530 Pointing # Col*=-3.8" NulE=-3.4" el=23deg
7827 GLO_LAT_13.95_0.00 OTF # el = 15-20deg
7828 GLO_LAT_5.05_0.00 OTF # el = 9.8-14.6deg
7829 GLO_LAT_5.15_0.00 OTF # el = 11.3-15.5deg
7830 GLO_LAT_5.25_0.00 OTF # el = 12.2-15.7deg
7831 NRAO530 Pointing # Col*=-8.6" NulE=-6.6" el=26deg
7832 GLO_LAT_5.35_0.00 OTF # el = 12.0-15.5deg
7833 GLO_LAT_16.05_0.00 OTF # el = 21.9-24.5deg
7834 GLO_LAT_20.60_0.00 OTF # incomplete, WFFTS failure!!! el = 26.1-27.5deg
7836 NGC7027 Pointing # testing
7837 NGC7027 Pointing # Col*=-0.4" NulE=0.5"
7838 NGC7027 Focus # zlin = -2.2mm
7839 NGC7027 Pointing # Col*=0.0" NulE=-3.3"
--- observations stopped due to WFFTS failure ---
# Observations 29/06/2022; Rugel
# start 29/06/2022,21:05 - end 30/06/2022,6:50
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5); delay 2,-23
# receiver loading: ok
# note: checked specpol on scan 7973 with toolbox2 adjust/adjfit
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
7973 3C286 Pointing # Col*=-2.7" NulE=23.6" el=68deg #project id 77-21
7974 3C286 Focus # zlin=-2.3mm #project id 77-21
7975 3C286 Pointing # Col*=-1.7" NulE=24.2" el=68deg #project id 77-21
7976 3C286 L-Pointing # Col*=-1.9" NulE=23.9" el=68deg #project id 77-21
7977 3C286 Calmap # Cal3C286v2: 90"/sec; 30" spacing
7978 2013+37 Pointing # Col*=-4.9" NulE=8.9" el=33deg
7979 W75NGAL ONOFF # ok (overall scale seems to be a bit lower...)
7980 GLO_LAT_53.40_0.00 OTF # el = 23-37deg
7981 NRAO530 Pointing # Col*=-7.8" NulE=-5.4", el = 23deg
7982 GLO_LAT_20.60_0.00 OTF # el =18-26deg
7983 GLO_LAT_5.45_0.00 OTF # el = 11-16deg
7984 GLO_LAT_5.55_0.00 OTF # el = 12-16deg
7985 NRAO530 Pointing # Col*=-9.0" NulE=-14.2", el = 26deg
7986 GLO_LAT_5.65_0.00 OTF # el = 12-16deg
7987 GLO_LAT_5.75_0.00 OTF # el = 11-15deg
7988 GLO_LAT_20.80_0.00 OTF # el =25-28deg
7989 NGC7027 Pointing # Col*=-1.7" NulE=-0.1" el = 78deg
7990 NGC7027 Focus # zlin = -2.2mm el = 78deg
7991 NGC7027 Pointing # Col*=0.6" NulE=0.2" el = 78deg
7992 NGC7027 L-Pointing # Col*=-0.4" NulE=-0.7" el = 79deg
7993 1749+096 Pointing # Col*=-3.7" NulE=-5.0" el= 38deg
7994 GLO_LAT_39.20_0.00 OTF # el = 35-41deg
7995 GLO_LAT_39.40_0.00 OTF # el = 27-35deg
7996 1923+210 Pointing # Col*=-3.6" NulE=-5.7" el=43deg
7997 GLO_LAT_57.40_0.00 OTF # el =36-45deg
7998 W3OH Pointing # Col*=-3.6" NulE=-5.7" el=65
7999 W3OH ONOFF # ok