# Observations 04/08/2022; Gong
# start 03/08/2022,19:00 - end 04/08/2022, 2:00
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5); delay 21,22
# receiver loading: OK
# note: checked specpol on scan 759 with toolbox2 adjust/adjfit
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
757 3C286 POINT # Col*=-6.9" NulE=22.7" el=67
758 3C286 FOCUS # zlin=-2.2 el=67
759 3C286 POINT # Col*=-6.5" NulE=22.3" el=67
760 3C286 CalMap # Cal3C286v2, el=67
761 1923+210 Pointing # Col*=-3.7" NulE=11.7" el=30
762 GLO_LAT_56.00_0.00 OTF # el =28
763 NRAO530 Pointing # Col*=-9.5" NulE=11.5" el =24
764 GLO_LAT_11.55_0.00 OTF # el=15
765 GLO_LAT_6.35_0.00 OTF # el=13
766 GLO_LAT_8.05_0.00 OTF # el=14
767 GLO_LON_7.00_-1.05 OTF # el=15
768 GLO_LON_7.00_-0.95 OTF # el=14
769 GLO_LAT_11.65_0.00 OTF # el=19
770 NRAO530 Pointing # Col*=-11.7" NulE=-5.1" el=21
771 GLO_LON_21.00_1.00 OTF # el=22
772 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=-1.1" NulE=-0.5" el=80
773 NGC7027 FOCUS # z=-3.4 el=80
774 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=-2.2" NulE=2.2" el=80
775 NGC7027 L-POINT # Col*=-2.5" NulE=1.6" el=80
776 W75NGAL ONOFF # ok! el=81
# Observations 05/08/2022; Gong
# start 05/08/2022,19:00 - end 06/08/2022, 2:00
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5); delay 21,-2 / restart 21 22 /restart 11 -2
# receiver loading: OK
# note: checked specpol on scan 759 with toolbox2 adjust/adjfit
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
824 3C286 POINT # Col*=1.7" NulE=9.9" el=69
825 3C286 FOCUS # zlin=0.4 el=69 offset too much, to be checked
826 3C286 POINT # Col*=-0.9" NulE=8.7" el=69
827 3C286 FOCUS # zlin=-1.8 el=69 better fitting, needed to be confirmed
828 3C286 POINT # Col*=-2.0" NulE=8.1" el=68
829 3C286 FOCUS # zlin=-1.8 el=68 confirmed
830 3C286 POINT # Col*=-1.1" NulE=10.8" el=68
831 3C286 L-POINT # Col*=-1.4" NulE=10.8" el=68
832 3C286 CalMap # Cal3C286v2, el=67
833 1923+210 Pointing # Col*=-6.0" NulE=3.6" el=28
834 GLO_LON_57.00_0.20 OTF # el =27
835 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=0.1" NulE=0.4" el=37
836 NGC7027 FOCUS # z=-2.7 el=37
837 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=6.3" NulE=-2.7" el=37
838 NGC7027 L-POINT # !! No data restart SPECPOL 21 22
839 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=-7.0" NulE=-1.5" el=39
840 NRAO530 Pointing # onlplot wrong pointing results, restart onlplot
842 NRAO530 Pointing # Col*=-14.0" NulE=-1.5" el=24
843 GLO_LAT_11.75_0.00 OTF # el=15 canceled due to the error in the previous pointing
### restart onlplot/SPECPOL/fitswriter
844 NRAO530 Pointing # Col*=-21.2" NulE=2.6" el=25
845 NRAO530 Pointing # Col*=-16.6" NulE=-0.6" el=25 confirm pointing
846 GLO_LON_7.00_-0.85 OTF # el=12
847 GLO_LON_7.00_-0.75 OTF # el=14
848 GLO_LON_7.00_-0.65 OTF # el=15
849 GLO_LON_7.00_-0.55 OTF # el=15
850 GLO_LAT_11.75_0.00 OTF # el=18
851 GLO_LAT_11.85_0.00 OTF # el=17
852 NRAO530 Pointing # Col*=-8.7" NulE=-5.3" el=18
853 GLO_LAT_20.00_0.00 OTF # el=20
854 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=0.1" NulE=-10.4" el=80
855 NGC7027 FOCUS # z=-3.3 el=80
856 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=-1.1" NulE=-6.7" el=80
857 NGC7027 L-POINT # Col*=-1.0" NulE=-4.2" el=80
858 NGC7027 L-POINT # Col*=1.6" NulE=-0.1" el=80
859 NGC7027 L-POINT # Col*=2.5" NulE=0.0" el=80
860 W75NGAL ONOFF # ok! el=81
861 W75NGAL ONOFF # ok! el=81
862 W75NGAL ONOFF # ok! el=81
863 W75NGAL ONOFF # ok! el=81
# Observations 06/08/2022; Gong
# start 06/08/2022,19:00 - end 07/08/2022, 5:00
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5); delay -1, 0
# receiver loading: OK
# note: checked specpol on scan 974 with toolbox2 adjust/adjfit
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
966 3C286 POINT # Col*=3.4" NulE=1.1" el=67
967 3C286 FOCUS # zlin=-1.9 el=67
968 3C286 POINT # Col*=1.3" NulE=-1.2" el=67
969 3C286 CalMap # Cal3C286v2_lat, el=65
970 1923+210 Pointing # Col*=0.1" NulE=-4.0" el=28
971 GLO_LAT_52.00_0.00 OTF # el =27
972 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=-5.1" NulE=5.3" el=40
973 NGC7027 FOCUS # z=-1.1 el=40
974 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=-8.7" NulE=5.5" el=40
975 NGC7027 L-POINT # Col*=-8.9" NulE=4.0" el=40
976 NRAO530 Pointing # Col*=-9.9" NulE=6.0" el=24
977 GLO_LAT_12.05_0.00 OTF # el=16
978 GLO_LON_7.00_-0.45 OTF # el=13
979 GLO_LON_7.00_-0.35 OTF # el=15
980 GLO_LON_7.00_-0.25 OTF # el=15
981 GLO_LON_7.00_-0.15 OTF # el=14
982 GLO_LAT_9.95_0.00 OTF # el=13
983 NRAO530 Pointing # Col*=-9.0" NulE=-8.3" el=19
984 GLO_LON_19.00_-1.00 OTF # el=19
985 GLO_LON_37.00_-0.40 OTF # el=30
986 1923+210 Pointing # Col*=-6.5" NulE=-13.3" el=48
987 GLO_LON_53.00_-0.40 OTF # el=36
988 GLO_LON_53.00_-0.20 OTF # el=26
989 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=-4.7" NulE=-12.7" el=57
990 NGC7027 FOCUS # z=-2.7 el=57
991 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=-4.5" NulE=-11.7" el=57
992 NGC7027 L-POINT # Col*=-3.5" NulE=-11.4" el=57
993 W75NGAL ONOFF # ok! el=53
# Observations 08/08/2022; Gong
# start 08/08/2022,19:00 - end 09/08/2022, 5:00
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5); delay 1, 22
# receiver loading: OK
# note: checked specpol on scan 1321 with toolbox2 adjust/adjfit
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
1312 3C286 POINT # Col*=7.4" NulE=1.4" el=65
1313 3C286 FOCUS # zlin=-1.6 el=65
1314 3C286 POINT # Col*=7.5" NulE=3.5" el=65
1315 3C286 CalMap # Cal3C286v2, el=65
1316 1923+210 Pointing # Col*=-5.5" NulE=0.0" el=32
1317 GLO_LON_53.00_0.00 OTF # el =27
1318 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=-8.4" NulE=3.3" el=70
1319 NGC7027 FOCUS # z=-2.1 el=70
1320 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=-11.7" NulE=3.6" el=70
1321 NGC7027 L-POINT # Col*=-11.8" NulE=1.7" el=70
1322 NRAO530 Pointing # Col*=-10.8" NulE=0.8" el=25
1323 GLO_LON_7.00_-0.05 OTF # el=12
1324 GLO_LON_7.00_0.05 OTF # el=14
1325 GLO_LON_7.00_0.15 OTF # el=15
1326 GLO_LON_7.00_0.25 OTF # el=15
1327 GLO_LON_11.00_1.05 OTF # el=17
1328 NRAO530 Pointing # Col*=-14.3" NulE=-6.0" el=21
1329 GLO_LON_19.00_-0.80 OTF # el=20
1330 1923+210 Pointing # Col*=-6.9" NulE=-5.9" el=54
1331 GLO_LON_53.00_0.20 OTF # el=47
1332 GLO_LON_53.00_0.40 OTF # el=38
1333 GLO_LON_53.00_0.60 OTF # el=28
1334 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=-4.3" NulE=-7.1" el=60
1335 NGC7027 FOCUS # z=-3.2 el=60
1336 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=-4.6" NulE=-6.9" el=59
1337 NGC7027 L-POINT # Col*=-4.2" NulE=-6.7" el=58
1338 W75NGAL ONOFF # ok! el=53
# Observations 10/08/2022; Rugel
# start 10/08/2022,18:50 - end 11/08/2022,4:00
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5); delay 11,0
# receiver loading: ok
# note: checked specpol on scan 1423, 1450 with toolbox2 adjust/adjfit
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
1423 3C286 POINT # Col*=3.8" NulE=-6.3" el=64.6-64.9deg
1424 3C286 FOCUS # zlin=-1.7mm el=64.5deg
1425 3C286 POINT # Col*=3.6" NulE=-6.2" el=64.0-64.3deg
1426 3C286 MAP # calmap; el=62.5-63.8deg
1427 3C286 POINT # Col*=0.4" NulE=-9.1" el=61.8-62.3deg
1428 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=-3.1" NulE=-12.7" el=33.8-34.0deg
1429 NGC7027 L-POINT # Col*=-3.1" NulE=-8.8" el=34.2-34.6deg
1430 W75NGAL ONOFF # ok el=39.5-40.3deg
1431 K3-50AGAL ONOFF # ok el=40.0-41.8deg
1432 NRAO530 POINT # Col*=-8.7" NulE=-12.3" el=21.8-22.0deg
1433 GLO_LON_19.00_-0.60 OTF # el=16.8-23.9deg
1434 GLO_LON_7.00_0.35 OTF # el=12.9-17.2deg
1435 GLO_LON_7.00_0.45 OTF # el=14.4-17.8deg
1436 GLO_LON_7.00_0.55 OTF # el=15.3-17.9deg
1437 GLO_LON_7.00_0.65 OTF # el=14.7-17.6deg
1438 NRAO530 POINT # Col*=-16.2" NulE=-8.3" el=23.2-23.4deg
1439 GLO_LON_11.00_-1.05 OTF # el=16.3-21.2deg
1440 GLO_LON_11.00_-0.95 OTF # el=14.2-19.3deg
1441 GLO_LON_19.00_-0.40 OTF # el=16.8-24.3deg
1442 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=-2.0" NulE=-4.2" el=81.4-81.7deg
1443 NGC7027 FOCUS # zlin=-3.0mm el=81.4deg
1444 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=-0.8" NulE=-1.1" el=81.2-81.4deg
1445 NGC7027 L-POINT # Col*=-1.0" NulE=1.3" el=80.8-81.2deg
1446 1923+210 POINT # Col*=-7.7" NulE=-3.5" el=51.1-51.5deg
1447 GLO_LAT_54.40_0.00 OTF # el=42.0-49.6deg
1448 GLO_LAT_54.60_0.00 OTF # el=32.9-41.9deg
1449 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=-7.6" NulE=-4.7" el=62.3-62.7deg
1450 NGC7027 FOCUS # zlin=-2.0mm el=62.1deg
1451 NGC7027 POINT # el=61.5-61.9deg
# Observations 11/08/2022; Gong
# start 11/08/2022,19:00 - end 12/08/2022,4:00
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5); delay 19,22
# receiver loading: ok
# note: checked specpol on scan 1491 with toolbox2 adjust/adjfit
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
1489 3C286 POINT # Col*=5.3" NulE=-4.6" el=64deg
1490 3C286 FOCUS # zlin=-1.8mm el=64deg
1491 3C286 POINT # Col*=5.6" NulE=-5.1" el=64deg
1492 3C286 MAP # calmap; el=62.5-63.8deg
1493 3C286 L-POINT # calmap; el=62.5-63.8deg
1494 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=-0.2" NulE=-10.4" el=34.0deg
1495 NGC7027 L-POINT # Col*=-2.8" NulE=-11.4" el=34deg
1496 W75NGAL ONOFF # ok el=39deg
1497 W75NGAL ONOFF # ok el=40deg
1498 NRAO530 POINT # Col*=-7.4" NulE=-12.7" el=22.0deg
1499 GLO_LON_19.00_-0.20 OTF # el=17deg
1500 GLO_LON_7.00_0.75 OTF # el=13deg
1501 GLO_LON_7.00_0.85 OTF # el=14deg
1502 GLO_LON_7.00_0.95 OTF # el=15deg
1503 GLO_LON_7.00_1.05 OTF # el=15deg
1504 NRAO530 POINT # Col*=-17.9" NulE=-11.2" el=23deg
1505 GLO_LON_11.00_-0.85 OTF # el=16deg
1506 GLO_LON_11.00_-0.75 OTF # el=14deg
1507 GLO_LON_19.00_-0.00 OTF # el=16deg
1508 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=-0.2" NulE=-7.6" el=81deg
1509 NGC7027 FOCUS # zlin=-3.2mm el=81deg
1510 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=1.0" NulE=-3.2" el=81deg
1511 NGC7027 L-POINT # Col*=1.6" NulE=-2.3" el=80deg
1512 1923+210 POINT # Col*=-6.0" NulE=-4.0" el=51deg
1513 GLO_LON_53.00_0.80 OTF # el=38deg
1514 GLO_LON_53.00_0.80 OTF # el=28deg accidently repeated
1515 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=-5.3" NulE=-6.6" el=60deg
1516 NGC7027 FOCUS # zlin=-1.9mm el=60deg
1517 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=-5.2" NulE=-6.8" el=59deg
1518 NGC7027 L-POINT # Col*=-4.6" NulE=-7.2" el=59deg
1519 W75NGAL ONOFF # ok el=54deg
# Observations 15/08/2022; Gong
# start 15/08/2022,19:00 - end 16/08/2022,4:00
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5); delay 21,0
# receiver loading: ok
# note: checked specpol on scan 1491 with toolbox2 adjust/adjfit
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
1771 3C286 POINT # Col*=3.1" NulE=13.7" el=66deg
1772 3C286 FOCUS # zlin=0.3mm el=66deg
1773 3C286 POINT # Col*=1.8" NulE=13" el=66deg
1774 3C286 MAP # calmapv2_lat; el=66deg
1775 1923+210 POINT # Col*=2.1" NulE=3.6" el=30deg
1776 GLO_LON_53.00_1.00 OTF #
1777 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=-4.2" NulE=9.1" el=40.0deg
1778 NGC7027 Focus # zlin=-0.6mm el=40deg
1779 NGC7027 Point # Col*=-5.9" NulE=9.0" el=40.0deg
1780 NGC7027 L-Point # Col*=-6.9" NulE=8.4" el=40.0deg
1781 NRAO530 POINT # Col*=-6.9" NulE=1.2" el=24.0deg
1782 GLO_LON_11.00_-0.65 OTF # el=15deg
1783 GLO_LAT_8.15_0.00 OTF # el=13deg
1784 GLO_LAT_8.25_0.00 OTF # el=14deg
1785 GLO_LAT_8.35_0.00 OTF # el=15deg
1786 GLO_LAT_8.45_0.00 OTF # el=15deg
1787 NRAO530 POINT # Col*=-14.0" NulE=0.0" el=23deg
1788 NRAO530 FOCUS # z=-1.0 el=23deg
1789 NRAO530 POINT # Col*=-13.9" NulE=-1.8" el=23deg
1790 GLO_LON_19.00_0.20 OTF # el=21deg
1791 GLO_LON_19.00_0.40 OTF # el=16deg
1792 1923+210 POINT # Col*=-8.1" NulE=-9.7" el=52deg
1793 GLO_LAT_52.60_0.00 OTF # el=42deg
1794 GLO_LAT_52.80_0.00 OTF # el=32deg
1795 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=-8.3" NulE=-2.9" el=61deg
1796 NGC7027 FOCUS # zlin=-2.9mm el=64deg
1797 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=-8.7" NulE=-1.8" el=61deg
1798 NGC7027 L-POINT # Col*=-8.5" NulE=-1.5" el=60deg
1799 W75NGAL ONOFF # ok el=55deg
# Observations 16/08/2022; Gong
# start 15/08/2022,19:00 - end 16/08/2022,4:00
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5); delay 21,12
# receiver loading: ok
# note: checked specpol on scan 1491 with toolbox2 adjust/adjfit
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
1841 3C286 POINT # Col*=-3.6" NulE=11.5" el=62deg
1842 3C286 FOCUS # zlin=-1.2mm el=62deg
1843 3C286 POINT # Col*=-2.2" NulE=6.8" el=62deg
1844 3C286 MAP # calmapv2_lat; el=61deg
1845 3C286 Point # Col*=0.1" NulE=4.0" el=62deg
1846 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=-6.2" NulE=2.0" el=37.0deg
1847 NGC7027 Focus # zlin=-1.7mm el=37deg
1848 NGC7027 Point # Col*=-6.9" NulE=1.1" el=37.0deg
1849 NGC7027 L-Point # Col*=-7.7" NulE=1.6" el=37.0deg
1850 NRAO530 POINT # Col*=-10.4" NulE=1.5" el=23.0deg
1851 GLO_LON_11.00_-0.55 OTF # el=14deg
1852 GLO_LAT_8.55_0.00 OTF # el=13deg
1853 GLO_LAT_8.65_0.00 OTF # el=14deg
1854 GLO_LAT_8.75_0.00 OTF # el=15deg
1855 GLO_LAT_8.85_0.00 OTF # el=15deg
1856 NRAO530 POINT # Col*=-18.7" NulE=-0.4" el=24deg
1857 NRAO530 FOCUS # z=-3.2 el=23deg
1858 NRAO530 POINT # Col*=-18.1" NulE=-7.8" el=23deg
1859 GLO_LON_11.00_-0.45 OTF # el=16deg
1860 GLO_LON_11.00_-0.35 OTF # el=15deg
1861 GLO_LAT_18.80_0.00 OTF # el=18deg
1862 1923+210 POINT # Col*=-8.1" NulE=-9.7" el=52deg
1863 GLO_LAT_54.80_0.00 OTF # el=46deg
1864 GLO_LAT_55.00_0.00 OTF # el=37deg
1865 GLO_LAT_55.20_0.00 OTF # el=28deg
1866 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=-7.4" NulE=-5.6" el=55deg
1867 NGC7027 FOCUS # zlin=-1.8mm el=55deg
1868 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=-6.3" NulE=-5.3" el=55deg
1869 NGC7027 L-POINT # Col*=-6.8" NulE=-5.1" el=55deg
1870 W75NGAL ONOFF # ok el=50deg
#Observation 18-19/08/2022
#firmware special: band1: 22, band2:19
#receiver loading; s45mm; ***2phase; ok
#check on scan: specpol chan dispersion correction - ok for both bands
#start 18.08.2022, 19:00 - end 19.08.2023, 2:00
#######setup steps#################
1927 3C286 Pointing col*=7.0 NulE=7.2
1928 3C286 focus z=-0.5mm
1929 3C286 Pointing col*=6.0 NulE=8.2
1930 3C286 L-pointing col*=1.4 NulE=5.1
1931 3C286 CalMap
1932 NRAO530 Pointing col*=-6.5 NulE=3.0
1933 GLO_LON_19.00_0.60 OTF
1934 NRAO530 Pointing col*=-9.0 NulE=-4.3
1935 GLO_LAT_8.95_0.00 OTF
1936 GLO_LAT_9.05_0.00 OTF
1937 GLO_LAT_9.15_0.00 OTF
1938 NRAO530 Pointing col*=-13.5 NulE=-4.1
1939 GLO_LON_19.00_0.80 OTF
1940 NGC7027 Pointing col*=-4.0 NulE=1.8
1941 NGC7027 focus z=-2.5
1942 NGC7027 pointing col*=-0.9 NulE=4.0
1943 NGC7027 L-Pointing col*=-1.2 NulE=3.4
1944 1923+210 Pointing col*=-2.8 NulE=5.5
1945 GLO_LAT_55.40_0.00 OTF
1946 W3OH Pointing col*=-1.9 NulE=2.0
# Observations 24/08/2022; Gong
# start 24/08/2022,19:00 - end 25/08/2022,3:30
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5); delay -3, 10
# receiver loading: ok
# note: checked specpol on scan 2481 with toolbox2 adjust/adjfit
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
2479 3C286 POINT # Col*=-0.4" NulE=10.0" el=57deg
2480 3C286 FOCUS # zlin=-0.8mm el=57deg
2481 3C286 POINT # Col*=-2.7" NulE=7.1" el=55deg
2482 3C286 MAP # calmapv2_lat; el=55deg
2483 NRAO530 POINT # Col*=-10.9" NulE=-9.7" el=15deg
2484 GLO_LON_11.00_-0.25 OTF # el=15deg
2485 GLO_LAT_9.25_0.00 OTF # el=13deg
2486 GLO_LAT_9.35_0.00 OTF # el=14deg
2487 GLO_LAT_9.45_0.00 OTF # el=15deg
2488 GLO_LAT_9.55_0.00 OTF # el=15deg
2489 NRAO530 POINT # Col*=-15.3" NulE=-9.7" el=23deg
2490 NRAO530 FOCUS # zlin=-3.6mm el=23deg
2491 NRAO530 POINT # Col*=-13.7" NulE=-9.3" el=23deg
2492 GLO_LON_11.00_-0.15 OTF # el=16deg
2493 GLO_LON_19.00_1.00 OTF # el=20deg
2494 1923+210 POINT # Col*=-3.8" NulE=-10.4" el=56deg
2495 GLO_LAT_55.60_0.00 OTF # el=48deg
2496 GLO_LAT_55.80_0.00 OTF # el=40deg
2497 GLO_LON_55.00_-1.00 OTF # el=29deg
2498 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=-3.9" NulE=-6.5" el=58deg
2499 NGC7027 FOCUS # zlin=-1.6mm el=58deg
2500 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=-3.7" NulE=-6.1" el=58deg
2501 NGC7027 L-POINT # Col*=-4.5" NulE=-4.4" el=58deg
2502 W75NGAL ONOFF # ok el=52deg
# Observations 29/08/2022; Gong
# start 29/08/2022,18:00 - end 30/08/2022,3:00
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5); delay 20, -3
# receiver loading: ok
# note: checked specpol on scan 2932 with toolbox2 adjust/adjfit
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
2930 3C286 POINT # Col*=1.8" NulE=-4.2" el=65deg
2931 3C286 FOCUS # zlin=-1.1mm el=65deg
2932 3C286 POINT # Col*=1.9" NulE=-6.6" el=64deg
2933 3C286 MAP # calmapv2; el=62deg
2934 1923+210 POINT # Col*=-2.4" NulE=-7.8" el=33deg
2935 GLO_LAT_47.60_0.00 OTF # el=28deg
2936 NRAO530 POINT # Col*=-9.2" NulE=-2.6" el=24deg
2937 GLO_LAT_9.65_0.00 OTF # el=13deg
2938 GLO_LAT_9.75_0.00 OTF # el=14deg
2939 GLO_LAT_9.85_0.00 OTF # el=15deg
2940 GLO_LAT_9.95_0.00 OTF # el=15deg
2941 NRAO530 POINT # Col*=-11.5" NulE=-6.5" el=24deg
2942 NRAO530 FOCUS # zlin=-3.8mm el=24deg
2943 NRAO530 POINT # Col*=-11.6" NulE=-4.1" el=24deg
2944 GLO_LON_11.00_-0.05 OTF # el=17deg
2945 GLO_LON_11.00_0.05 OTF # el=15deg
2946 GLO_LAT_16.20_0.00 OTF # el=15deg
2947 1923+210 POINT # Col*=-4.4" NulE=-10.3" el=45deg
2948 GLO_LON_55.00_-0.80 OTF # el=45deg
2949 GLO_LON_55.00_-0.60 OTF # el=36deg
2950 GLO_LON_55.00_-0.40 OTF # el=27deg
2951 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=-2.7" NulE=-7.3" el=56deg
2952 NGC7027 FOCUS # zlin=-2.7mm el=56deg
2953 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=-3.3" NulE=-7.5" el=55deg
2954 NGC7027 L-POINT # Col*=-1.7" NulE=-7.7" el=55deg
2955 W75NGAL ONOFF # ok el=50deg
# Observations 30/08/2022; Gong
# start 30/08/2022,17:00 - end 31/08/2022,3:00
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5); delay 21, 18
# receiver loading: ok
# note: checked specpol on scan 3016 with toolbox2 adjust/adjfit
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
3014 3C286 POINT # Col*=5.2" NulE=0.9" el=68deg
3015 3C286 FOCUS # zlin=-1.0mm el=68deg
3016 3C286 POINT # Col*=5.3" NulE=3.4" el=68deg
3017 3C286 CalMAP # calmapv2; el=67deg
3018 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=-8.2" NulE=-13.0" el=27deg
3019 NGC7027 L-POINT # Col*=-8.5" NulE=-11.2" el=28deg
3020 1923+210 POINT # Col*=1.0" NulE=-7.4" el=28deg
3021 GLO_LAT_48.00_0.00 OTF # el=24deg
3022 NRAO530 POINT # Col*=-5.5" NulE=-2.3" el=23deg
3023 GLO_LON_11.00_0.95 OTF # el=15deg
3024 GLO_LON_9.00_-1.05 OTF # el=13deg
3025 GLO_LON_9.00_-0.95 OTF # el=14deg
3026 GLO_LON_9.00_-0.85 OTF # el=15deg
3027 GLO_LON_9.00_-0.75 OTF # el=15deg
3028 NRAO530 POINT # Col*=-12.9" NulE=-4.1" el=24deg
3029 NRAO530 FOCUS # zlin=-3.5mm el=24deg
3030 NRAO530 POINT # Col*=-12.1" NulE=-2.3" el=24deg
3031 GLO_LON_11.00_0.15 OTF # el=17deg
3032 GLO_LON_11.00_0.25 OTF # el=15deg
3033 GLO_LAT_16.40_0.00 OTF # el=15deg
3034 1749+096 POINT # Col*=-3.8" NulE=-2.7" el=32deg
3035 GLO_LON_37.00_-0.60 OTF # el=28deg
3036 1923+210 Point # Col*=-4.8" NulE=-4.0" el=45deg
3037 GLO_LON_55.00_-0.20 OTF # el=35deg
3038 GLO_LON_55.00_-0.00 OTF # el=25deg
3039 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=-3.7" NulE=-3.9" el=55deg
3040 NGC7027 FOCUS # zlin=-2.7mm el=55deg
3041 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=-4.6" NulE=-3.6" el=55deg
3042 NGC7027 L-POINT # Col*=-3.5" NulE=-3.1" el=55deg
3043 W75NGAL ONOFF # ok el=48deg
# Observations 31/08/2022; Gong
# start 31/08/2022,17:00 - end 31/08/2022,24:00
# phase was not good at the beginning due to specpol setup. Restarting SPECPOL solves it.
# firmware specpol: using automatic setup in obsinp (attenuation 0.5); delay 9, 22
# receiver loading: ok
# note: checked specpol on scan 3016 with toolbox2 adjust/adjfit
# for pointing/focus used FeBe S45mm-SPECPOL, BE Section 05 (BB-02 7000M FEED-01 X), 6600-6730 MHz
3134 3C286 POINT # Col*=-2.5" NulE=-0.9" el=59deg
3135 3C286 FOCUS # zlin=-1.6mm el=59deg
3136 3C286 POINT # Col*=-1.7" NulE=-1.0" el=58deg
3137 3C286 CalMAP # calmapv2_lat; el=57deg
3138 NRAO530 POINT # Col*=-15.8" NulE=-2.0" el=23deg
3139 GLO_LAT_16.60_0.00 OTF # el=14deg
3140 GLO_LON_9.00_-0.65 OTF # el=14deg
3141 GLO_LON_9.00_-0.55 OTF # el=15deg
3142 NRAO530 POINT # Col*=-10.5" NulE=-9.0" el=25deg
3143 NRAO530 FOCUS # zlin=-3.9mm el=25deg
3144 NRAO530 POINT # Col*=-12.0" NulE=-8.1" el=25deg
3145 GLO_LON_9.00_-0.45 OTF # el=15deg
3146 GLO_LON_9.00_-0.35 OTF # el=14deg
3147 GLO_LON_11.00_0.35 OTF # el=14deg
3148 1923+210 POINT # Col*=-4.5" NulE=-8.8" el=58deg
3149 GLO_LAT_48.20_0.00 OTF # el=46deg
3150 1923+210 Point # Col*=-4.4" NulE=-10.2" el=52deg
3151 GLO_LON_55.00_0.20 OTF # el=43deg
3152 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=-1.9" NulE=0.4" el=73deg
3153 NGC7027 FOCUS # zlin=-2.5mm el=73deg
3154 NGC7027 POINT # Col*=-4.6" NulE=-3.6" el=72deg