In [1]:
###############Start SPECPOL####################
# slogin -l ygong -Y observer6
# kinit
# slogin -Y spobs@specpol 
# cd ~/scripts/dataCapture/
# ./load_firmware              ### start specpol  -- This will be automatically after the commissioning
# python -u  >> Log_2018_09_11 &
# tail -f Log_2018_09_11       
# python 
# > kill
# >       ##enter
# python -u  >> Log_2018_09_11 &
In [2]:
############ data reduction for SPECPOL ################
# slogin ygong@observer6 -Y 
# toolbox plot='/xs' scan=last sub=1 force=ph2 automask waterfall color useband=2  faver=median !!! For two phases

############ create Muller Matrix       ###############
# /homes/peter/Toolbox2/ plot='/xs' febe=S45mm-SPECPOL project="22-15" date=2018-9-17 useband=2 spmask=automask 
############ useing Muller Maxtrix      ###############
# toolbox plot='/xs' scan=last sub=1 force=ph2 automask waterfall color useband=2 muller=mullerM
In [3]:
###########  remote observations for the Effelsberg 100-m telescope ################
# call the operator before observations  tel: 6000155 from MPIFR
# load observing scripts: ssh obseff@observer8
# vncviewer observer8:30      !! control interface
#  ASK the operature for the password !!!!
# vncviewer observer8:20      !! queue interface
#  !! the telescope status
# /homes/peter/bin/skyview    !! open a skyview
In [6]:
########### OFF POSITIONS for test fields     ############
########### selected from the CFA-1.2m survey ############
# GL34.5      l=34.5    ,  b=-0.5        !! W44
# GL81.5      l=81.5    ,  b=0.5         !! Cygnus X
# GL133.5     l=134.848 ,  b=1.0637      !! W3OH
# W44-OFF     l=33.5    ,  b=-1
# W3OH-OFF    l=133.848 ,  b=0.6637
# DR21-OFF    l=82.6    ,  b=0.8
# P.S. OFF positions can be as far as 10 degree according to Alex Kraus
In [ ]:
###### observation logs ##########
# Scan.No.     source       notes#
########### 2018-Sep-11###########
# 6433         3C286        pointing
# 6434         3C286        focus
# 6435         3C286        pointing
# 6436         1741-038     pointing
# 6438         GL34.5       Map: 66'x66', scanspace: 1'
#                           off(relative): -1, -0.5 
#                           longitude
#                           scanvelocity: 0.5'/sec 
#                           Reftime=30
#                           stopped at subscan 39  !! cannot connect to Fitswrite
# 6439         NGC7027      L-pointing
# 6440         GL34.5       Map: 36'x36', L-direction, others are the same as Scan 6438
# 6441         3C295        L-pointing
# 6442         GL34.5       map: 66'x66'
#                           stopped at subscan 31 !! cannot connect to Fitswrite
# 6443         GL34.5       map: 36'x36'
#                           stopped at subscan 35 !! cannot connect to Fitswrite
# 6444         3C295        pointing
# 6447         W3OH         10'x10' RA/DEC
# 6448         3C295        pointing
# 6449         GL81.5       stopped at subscan 35 !! cannot connect to Fitswrite
# 6450         GL81.5       stopped at subscan 38 !! Fitswrite
# 6451         GL81.5       map: 36'x36'
# 6452         NGC7027      L-pointing
# 6453         GL81.5       stopped at subscan 27 !! Fitswrite
# 6454         GL81.5       stopped at subscan 47 !! Fitswrite
# 6454         GL133        stopped at subscan 57 !! Fitswrite
# 6456         3C48         L-pointing
########### 2018-Sep-12###########
# 6489         NGC7027      pointing
# 6490         NGC7027      focus
# 6491         NGC7027      pointing
# 6492         GL81.5       map: 66'x66'   scanning spacing: 40"  2subscan/1OFF
#                           stopped at subscan 10 !! Fitswrite
# 6493         GL81.5       stopped at subscan 14 !! Fitswrite
# 6494         GL81.5       map: 36'x36'
#                           stopped at subscan 53 !! Fitswrite
# 6495         GL81.5       stopped at subscan 20 !! Fitswrite
# 6496         GL81.5       map: 10'x10'
# 6497         GL81.5       map: 30'x30'
#                           stopped at subscan 54 !! Fitswrite
########### 2018-Sep-13###########
# 6505         3C286        pointing
# 6506         3C286        focus
# 6507         3C286        pointing
# 6508         K3-50A       pointing, bad results
# 6509         K3-50A       pointing, bad results
# 6510         NGC7027      pointing
# 6512         GL81.5       map: 66'x66'  scanning spacing: 40"  2subscan/1OFF
#                           stopped at subscan 81 !! Fitswrite
# 6514         3C286        L-pointing
# 6515         GL34.5       stopped at subscan 11 !! Fitswrite
# 6516         GL34.5       stopped at subscan 10 !! Fitswrite
# 6517         GL34.5       stopped at subscan 10 !! Fitswrite
# 6519         3C295        L-pointing
# 6520         GL34.5       stopped at subscan 89 !! Fitswrite
# 6521         GL3C295      L-pointing
# 6522         GL81.5       stopped at subscan 116 !! Fitswrite
# 6523         3C48         L-pointing
# 6524         W3           map
########### 2018-Sep-17###########
# 6971         3C286        pointing 
# 6972         3C286        focus
# 6973         3C286        pointing
# 6974         W3OH         Onoff, 3 min on-time, ref-spectrum
# 6975         W3OH         map: 10'x10' scanvelocity: 1'/sec 
#                           direction: longitude  spcanspacing: 30"
#                           Reftime: 10s,  2subscan/1OFF
# 6977         3C286        L-pointing, 90s
# 6978         GL34.5       map:66'x66' scanvelocity: 1'/sec
#                           direction: longitude  spcanspacing: 30"
#                           Reftime: 10s,  2subscan/1OFF
#                           stopped at subscan 28 !! fitswrite
# 6979         GL34.5       map: 36'x36' (1hour 17min)
# 6980         GL34.5       map: 36'x36' scanvelocity:40"/sec
#                           stopped at subscan 47  !!fitswrite
# 6981         GL34.5       map: 36'x36'  direction: longitude (58min)
# 6982         GL34.5       scanvelocity: 2'/sec, 9subscan/1OFF, latitude
# 6983         3C48         L-pointing
# 6984         GL81.5       map: 36'x36,  2'/sec, 12subscan/1OFF
# 6985         GL81.5       map: 66'x66', 2'/sec, 6subscan/1OFF
# 6987         3C48         L-pointing
# 6988         GL81.5       map: 36'x36'  2.5'/sec 16subscan/1OFF
# 6989         GL81.5       map: 36'x36'  2'/sec   9subscan/1OFF
# 6990         3C48         L-pointing
# 6991         W3OH         map: 36'x36'